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ea <br />'AYOROaniel t. Criset <br />/ICE MAYOR <br />P. Lee Johnson <br />COUNCItMtMBERS <br />lohn Acosta <br />Wilson B. Harl <br />R. w. Luxembourter <br />Patricia A. McCuiSan <br />Dan Yount <br />7 1 <br />CITY MANACER <br />Roben C. Bobb <br />CITY ATTORNTY <br />tdward ,. Cooper <br />CTERK OF THE COUNCIT <br />lanice C. Cuy <br />20 ClvlC CtNTtR PLAZA . P.O. BOX 1988 <br />SANTA ANA, CALIIORNIA 92702 <br />February 3, 1986 <br />Alex Bannelos <br />5079 Los Felix Blvd. <br />Los Angeles, Ca. 90027 <br />Dear Mr. Bannelos: <br />Subject: Building Located at 1L07 No. Main Street Santa Ana <br />Describ ed as Orange County Assessor's Parcel No. 394 O2Z lA <br />0ur records reflect that you obtained Building Permi.t.s for seismic rehabilitationof Ehe subject building pursuant Eo Ehe city of Santa Ana Sei-smic Safely ordinance, <br />Sections 8-2000 through 8-2007, Sanra Ana Municipal Code. <br />This letter is to remind you tha! under the provisions of the Seismic Safety Ordin- <br />July 29, 1986. As you should <br />the original Seismic NoEice <br />ance the requi-red rehabilitation must be completed b vbe aware, lhis is the same information provided you in <br />& Order sent to the building olrner on July 29, 1983. <br />The consequence of failing to meet the July 29, 1986 deadline is EhaE you will berequired to vacate ttre building and leave j-t vacant unEil such time as you have com-pleted the seismj.c rehabilitaion, or demolished the building. In addition, you may <br />be subject to criminal or civil action Eaken by the City Attorney. In order toavoid these consequences, I recommend thaE you take immedi.are action as required bythe ord inance . <br />This letrer is be ing <br />ing City actions and <br />0rdinance. <br />you as a cour tesy <br />is required of you <br />Ehat. you will be avare of upcom- <br />comply with the Seismic Safet.y <br />If you have any questions about thesethis office at (714) 834-4992. <br />SO <br />Eo <br />requiremenEs, please call Steve Crar,rford in <br />sent !o <br />of vhat <br />Very rrul.y <br />CO]llTlUNITY <br />yours, <br />DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING AGENCY <br />Phi 1 Free land <br />Execut ive Di rec t or <br />PL': c I <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />Ar-t-AMtRtcA ctTY 1982-63