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Recorded at request of <br />City of Santa Afla <br />L}len rccorded, return to: <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Planning & Development Services <br />20 Civic Center Plaza Hl9 <br />Santa Ana, Cali fornia 92701 <br />o <br />&.t a-} ruo.-tr^z-, <br />a 'A' <br />EXLYPT RECORDING REQUESTED PER GOV'T CODE 6103 <br />NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING OCCUPANCY RE QUIRN,IENTS <br />CITY OF SAI\MA ANA'S SEISMIC SAFETY ORDINANCE <br />/o ,( /v,il,v sr Santa AnaSubject: Bui 1d i ng located at <br />Descri bed as Assessor s Parcel No.3? 8a o22 - <br />rt y Ownero <br />Priht ltiame ROMANA ACOSTA BANUELOS <br />9n. this- 4jt!-ia y o f_.]4 ry B!L_, 19_ tt , before nre, the undersiSned, a Norar)ruDrlc ln and tor said State, personally appeared Romana Acosta Banuelospersonally knoyn to oe (or proved to me on the bbe the person(s) vhose name(s) is/are subscribed <br />acknovledged to me that he/she/they executed the <br />l-'TniESS my hand and official seal:Czt) <br />asis of <br />to the <br />same . <br />satisfactory ev i. dence )uithin instrumenE and <br />to <br />L a<_ <br />Notarv Public in ana <br />County of{*{ilH I-o.State of California <br />for the <br />Angeles <br />OFFICI LS F^\L <br />AI.ICIA ATBA <br />JStrc - cAL'FORflrAt0s t6ft!S fnr,1ry <br />iiie! JUL 5,<.-.---:t-I9g5 ) <br />r, the undersigned, as owner of the subject building, ackno,^rledge and understandthat the rotal occupancy of the subject building be liraitel ro nor more rhan99 persons as per Table 33-A uniform Building cJde, latest adopred edii:on, unlessI cbtain bui).ding peroits and cotrplete all construction vork under the mr.nimumsiai,dards for class rI (High Risk) buildings as regulared by the city ofSanta 4na Se-.smic Safety Ordinance (Sec. 8-2000 thr6ugh g_2607 S.A.y,C.) <br />STATE OF CALIFCRNIA ) <br />COLrft'TY OF mifEt , "" <br />LOS ANGELES