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dimension. On-site excavated soils that meet these requirements may be used to backfill the <br />excavated area. <br />All fill should be placed in 6-inch+hick maximum lifts, watered or air dried as necessary to <br />achieve near optimum moisture conditions. and then compacted in place to a maximum relative <br />compaction of 90 percent. The laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content <br />lor each change in soil type should be determined in accordance with Test Method <br />ASTMD 1557. A representative of the project consultant should be present on-site during <br />grading operations to verifo proper placement and compaction of all fill, as well as to verify <br />compliance with the other geotechnical recommendations presented herein. <br />Imported soils, if any, should consist of clean materials exhibiting a VERY LOW expansion <br />potential (Expansion lndex less than 20). Soils to be imported should be approved by the <br />project geotechnical consultant prior to importation. <br />7.1 CEOTECHNICALOBSER\'ATIONS <br />Exposed bottom surfaces in each removal area should be observed and approved by the project <br />geotechnical consultant prior to placing fill. No fill should be placed without prior approval <br />from the geotechnical consultant. <br />The project geotechnical consultant should be present on site during grading operations to <br />verify proper placement and compaction of fill, as well as to verify compliance with the <br />recommendations presented herein. <br />7.5 POST-GRADIN(;(]ONSIDERATIONS <br />Positive drainage devices such as concrete flatwork. graded swales, and area drains should be <br />provided around the new construction to collect and direct all water to a suitable discharge area. <br />Neither rain nor excess irrigation water should be allowed to collect or pond against building <br />foundations. <br />7.6 UTILITY TRENCH BACKFIL <br />All utility trench backfill should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 <br />percent. Trench backfill materials should be placed in lifts no greater than approximately 6 <br />inches in thickness, watered or air-dried as necessary to achieve near optimum moisture <br />7 Dennis- l -01