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DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWN}:R BTJILDEI' DI:I,CARATION <br />I hd.try artrii un& Frry ol Fjury rh,r I m crcnfl 6oi rh. (blnradoB t-i:@ Irw rorrh. follo$i,8..a,.lsa70.rI5 <br />UuJns !d Proasion (irj.) Any (-ry or Coudt shth r.qntr6 d Fmn lo oddd. s. inFo\e &mlislt or Ep6r rh . <br />'l4doe Fnr ", '1r isM.. i\o rcquB rh.4dEd lor $cfi Fn lo filc. nsn d ndoEr rhd tE oi nE i licar.n p!m{n <br />Io lh. r,orisioN oflh. Contarors Li.avn lj* (( hrptr 9, Conhocins s h s.ction 7000 oaD,vt$.I oarh. tlBinds .nd <br />Itot srnrN Cod€) or lh.l IE or $. is .!mF rhcrdrom od rh. hdri! for rh. alL*.n.(nllrion An, violdion ofscclion')0! 1.5 t'y dnj <br />q, for r Fn'r rbjdr rrE rrrlicet nr !cirilp.nrlrlof mr m{. rha nrc hun&.d (lrlls(ism} <br />l, &\ osns of I h. rroFny. or Dy .mrk,rc wirn war6 a en. mnrpdsnon. $ ill d. rh. tro* dd 0E slrrlw i< n{ <br />iddr,al or o lIs<rl aor idl. ( S( 70.14, BurinB md tto li<rcB Codc llr Contrky r Licmr lis &6 nor .rply k d o\ n6 of <br />rh.ImF! * b hILl o, ur{mrc rlEoa ,ri *ho &a exh *o{ h'lMlf o. h6-lf or rh^ru*t tir d hd o*n .hphr6. <br />Forilnl rhd $ch mFo1ffi G mt dd'd.i or.fidrd fo. sL l[ ho$6r, rlr hilditB n in{"*._-od 6 $ld $inm om j6 <br />ofcorr{ rF( $. o$E lrlitb *ill haE lh. tudo orfm\ilts $i hc s5. dij d hild or itr{roc.lh. IroF} fd th.,nq$Eo, <br />l. E o$fr orrhc Frpdr, m ro rrluB r h ltaGj.odracioR b.onrrucr ilr Fojci (lir 7or-l- &8'6 <br />!d ltl'bsin ( o&: Th. ConrrIlois Lic€M L.* dc mr @lt r. D0$.6 of Fopa!' $h. b{iktr or inrove rtd(n. <br />md who Nnrds for !u.h Fojd3 $irh i ( odrado(3) li.sEqj puBuln ro rh. (i' r l-icc@ lr$, <br />I M.rmr, uto:L. sdri,n <br />Drr.: Ornc: <br />1loRkriis-con, Pirlta^ rxrN <br />IECI,A8^IIOI <br />I lE.tD .ili'n uid.r Fsxl of Fl!4 oft oarh. folh*n's &dsdirtri <br />I hrv. drkl *rll ,nrimrn ! ( d ia,.d. of (i\.sr ro S.ll lctrr€ to M,k6' .on:Fsdrn. N Fovdcd for by Srtun r 7(tu orrh. <br />Il&tr (id., for rh. Ffonnk--. d r rh. so* ntrwhichth.psnil ir L$u.d <br />Vl h.rcand\illn.F ain *.rt6 conFErion iMr, ..6 r.rtutra! b sGib. !?0oofrh.libo, (ir!., for ih. Flnmm. ol <br />rh. $o,t fo. *hich lhis is isuqj My trorkG .onFMion iNurMc. .nid rd Brh(y numb6 r.: <br />cuF I TTG- 071 -{ 7 - 1'2,( .o ,.or*,' l:16 <br />I c.niithd inlh.pcf{runccof lh. so fo. *hi(h lhls p6nit Lt N!cd, I shlll not oploy any p..$r in any men( <br />s e ro bdoc ubj.t lo llE *nr6 @.rra!d6n lrst orcdifo@ !d qr rhri ,t l lrnukt h.(r lutrar ro rtr <br />sortd' snp.,srb. prst si(rc oasdkn .! 700 of rb. lihor Cod.. I ttLll fonhsnh lripry I'irh rbos F.r s.a <br />W ,ININC l'rilurc to *@ *ork6 comFcsrion covdag. ii uihwtuL Md shall subF d aploF ro aimin.l lEDftis sd <br />civil nncs up to on.! thousnd d.llds (lllrrr mr€MIion. .hnuscs ss r,(triddl tor lhc <br />sdr0n t076 0f rh. l itrr ( fri. inr6d .'ri <br />DECIJEAIIOB <br />I hdtb .rm uftr6 pd[ of Fjur_v rld I m lkas] orld Frldon ol CnrFd 9 (offirrj $ nh Sdion 70()(] ) of Ur Bion ! <br />ol rh. B6ilB,.d kof6ioB cod.. dj ny licde i! E tuU loc di.lfd <br />.n,*,r'^< (-1C /oo t67 <br />7? (Y <br />CONSTNUCIION I r^TnIAG CEACY <br />I h6tt, rrm uBr6 FuXy of Fju J.. r hn rhd. ir ! @dru.rior lsxhls lsdy for rlr Frotu. of rh. *sr for *n.h rh6 Fni ! <br />isu.d (s*.1097, crv. c.) <br />aftu(aNl-lc(Jlaara! <br />I h.dy lfm unld d!rh, of Fiury orc ol <br />'h. <br />followin! d.<lErioN <br />DnRnndn Pd'r}&b6r$ Ndlin. ntr r.<brl R.suhlnB(Tnk {0. Pan6} <br />Rqu&d l.rrd oaNotiiulr,. <br />I cdir\ rhd rlE f.d..rl reuL'irN Errdin8 ab.snB.dord d. d spplf,rbL <br />'o <br />rhi rroF <br />lc.1r lv rh.r I h (rcadlh'\ il) (alio tr:u \rarcrliirr1rd\trc rnlnrnrrbn Ncnr'(r I alre lo.o'nply s(h rll( 'ryand <br />( fLnly <br />ordinacs afll Slat. l!*s Eldi.8 lo .,rl hs.t_ .ulhrn. (FB.r'lalir6 of rhis Cil, and CouDly t! drq upon lll <br />ab!. mrion n t'nrFnJ for <br />ApDli.itrl or.\r.tr1 shnnltr L+ -tZ <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Shealhing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Dtywall I I/Ext.4nt. Lath laltb r\UttL bY-frown Coat I I ( <br />Itrla so n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />E Final Reportrnee r <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL \l,i\\g u4t0\) <br />Certificate of Occu pancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc IM.l,v oV q r3 lb <br />I <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I