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mounting <br />systerns <br />Quickstone technology <br />The Quickstone is Mounting Systems' patented fastening de- <br />vice. Essentially a highly specialized mui, it is used for every <br />Alpha system connection except attaching the Iail mounting <br />components to the mof. The Quickstone provides the Alpha <br />system with several important advantages. Conventional <br />nuts, T-bolts or other types of devices used to hold module <br />clamps or to secure rails to the roof attachments gener <br />ally mu5t be inserted at the end of the rail then slid along <br />the mil to their final position and then secured. Quickstone <br />components though, can be inserted in the Alpha rail at <br />any point along the rail. A few turns of the Quickstone bolt <br />then locks the component in the rail burt still allows it to <br />slide into its precise final location and then secured fully. <br />This ability to be inserted at any point allows all Quickstone- <br />based components to be pre-assembled with Quickstones, <br />bolts and washers, eliminating the need to carry those part5 <br />separately and reducing the chance of misplacing, dropping <br />or running out of them on the roof. This speeds and simpli- <br />fies installations greatly. <br />¥20 <br />Quickstone, the clever nut <br />- Speeds and simplifies system assembly <br />and module installation <br />· Allows extensive component pre-assembly for fasteI <br />more reliable installation <br />· Only a single tool required for complete system <br />assembly and module installation <br />The Alpha system components are designed to use Quick- <br />stones for every system connection including splices, tele- <br />scoping rails and attachment of the rails to the roof mount- <br />ing points. All Quickstone bolts are M8,5ocket-head bolts <br />with a 6mm Allen socket. Therefore, once the L-feet or roof <br />hooks are installed, the entire Alpha system can be assem- <br />bled and modules installed usingonly a 6mm Allen wrench <br />or bit, dramatically simplifying the installation process. And <br />because the Quickstone channel is identical in each mil type, <br />roof attachments and module clamps are the same for eveny <br />rail type. <br />Separate Quickstones and bolts are available for attaching <br />other items such as mitroinverters directly to the Alpha rails <br />making the installation of those and other items quick <br />and easy. <br />- <br />a Element to be attached (e.g. module clamp) <br />b Allen bolt <br />c Quickstone <br />d Base rail <br />j <br />.u.tohz <br />t <br />3