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[^l.0. l63B0l <br />Prior to the placement of fill soils, a'l 1 vegetation and <br />debris was removed from the site. In the slab area, the exsisting <br />I oose so ils were processed to a depth of 2 feet. In the area <br />of the perimeter wal I f ooti ng and i ntert*0. co'l umn f ooti ngs, 5. 5 <br />feet of exsi sti ng soi I was removed. The expored surface was sca- <br />ri fi ed, moi sture condi ti oned and recompacted to go% of Laboratory <br />Standards. <br />Fill soils were then p'laced in 6 inch lifts, moisture con- <br />ditionsd and compacted in a like manner. <br />The native soil classifies as a SAND, silty and is suitable <br />for the support of the fill and the proposed structures. <br />compacti on was obtai ned by track and wheel ro'l I i n g. A <br />water truck was used for moi sture control. <br />The relative compaction percent was determined by the Sand <br />Cone Method (ASTM: D-l 556-70) and the Nuclear Method (Test Method <br />No. Calif. 23lF). These tests were taken a minimum of every 500 <br />cubic yards placed and every 2.0 feet in depth of fill placed. <br />Maximum depth of fi1l placed inc't uding the rework depths <br />was 5. 5 feet. <br />water sol ubl e sul fate tests were performed on typi cal sam- <br />p'l es of the si te materi al . The resul ts of the test conducted are <br />presented below. Type 5 cement is not necessary for the founda- <br />Page 2 <br />JA