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t^l.0. l6380l <br />tions and slabs on the <br />Test D-5.l6. <br />SamPl e Locati on <br />referenced project as determined by ASTM <br />Soluble Sulfate, % <br />N Central Pad 0.036Center 0.044S Central Pad 0.041 <br />The potential expansion of the soil was dete <br />dance with Section 29 of the U.B.C. 1913 edition. <br />as follows: <br />Soi I Expansion <br />Type I ndex <br />Very Low <br />er square foot <br />,u{ be used f or perimeterwal'l and i nteri or col umn f ooti ngs a <br />minimum width of two (2) feet founded l8 inches below lowest ad- <br />iacent fina'l grade. This value is for combined dead and frequ- <br />ently app'l ied live loads and may be increased by l/Z for the <br />total of all loads including seismic and wind loads. <br />Due to the very low potential expansion of the soils, the <br />usual requirements for ex pansive conditions are not deemed nec- <br />essary. However, it is recommended that the following steps <br />may be taken to minimize the effects of moisture infiltration <br />into the s'lab and footing supporting soils. <br />l. The surrounding areas should be graded so as to ensure drain- <br />age away from'the building. <br />Page 3 <br />rmined in accoF- <br />Resul ts are <br />Potential <br />Expansion <br />I5 <br />A recommended bearing value of 3000 pounds p <br />IA