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lO. 11th.bulldlngeprlnklrrrd? Yol[ X" tr <br />li. Do you p13n m maklng any_improvcmcs tti.Ut" buikling such as: c)(Erlor palnting, s0na0c' <br />ant"rix tenant amPrcvtmcnts? Yos lJ No L) <br />It yts, PLasc describe: <br />12. Will your hlsincss anclutb a lobby or waiUng arca? Yes E no ,E <br />lf ycs, what wlll bG the dimensions? <br />13. Do lrou silorE cquipment rnaterials, or products within thc builcting? Yes fl Nfu <br />a. wilt thcrc be outrloor sto,age of equipment, matcrials, or products? Ycs 0 No m <br />lf yes, Pleasc clescribc: <br />L tylll tlrorr bo rtorego IrGb, palleB endlor $olvlng rrcoodlng 6 l..t ! lnclrc ln <br />holghf Yrs fl ;;fgl 1n.r-6rq*A tu n.54tgng o'r C',,n'.1,t tttt ptn';1t @ <br />14. Oo you manufacturc a product at thc site? Yes E N06 <br />lf yes, please describe (inctuding process and end producl): <br />a. WItt oporrffons producr dusilyvood shevlngo orslmlter mrLrltl? Yq <br />-tr- Ig h <br />b. Doc thr opomdon lnvolyr tho trso olwoElng or op.n ftenr? Ves El No Etr <br />15. Does 61c proposed use inrrolvc a patient cqrc prolg;bn, sucfi as doctor. dentist' cfiiropracbr, <br />acupuncturist or physicaltheraflst? Yes LI No El <br />a. ls the popced usc within thc mentalhealth proEssion, such as: <br />I <br />SHoru"tAppllcable EPsychologist EPsyctiarist <br />I Soaa worker Ll ofier- <br />16. !s counseling PtoPo6ed as a Part of your business opcratbn? Yes El *o ts <br />a. Does your counscllng business oontract uroft with a publ'n agcncy? Ves E N" d <br />lf yes, Plcasc describe: <br />17. Willyour busincss bc ofiering thc bllrwing servbes: <br />E AcohdEdes E SnrotirU Lourpe f! fatoool Pennanent maklup <br />E gody pindng/ Ear piercing - El Nonc otthe aborc <br />lE. W$ }lour hrsitcss be orffcrirn tnasseees a5 Pert { yo.,t.brtsqg* PftttP?ilthts indud6 <br />rndage as amilary t9 pcdfxt6, mani:urcs. and otrer scrvi-s. Yes Ll No El <br />ig. ts cannabb or cannabb 1ghEd produd sbjefl, qrttiEEd, dtsffibuH, EsEd, rnatufacfumtl or <br />dispcnsed at your bursiness? Ves E] t{o E <br />rc. Do !q, pr€pap or sdl bod br cons,mflbn on or off the propcrtf Yes E No S <br />tf yes, do you provido sfr tbuvn scruiE E, dritre{rrough [, or orders b gp'Pi*{p EIZ <br />SPbrr*rgEh'lcc€ou,tb. Farnr\ <br />Cd) Ardr-r ls.n-14 <br />[.