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Pfsagbh: <br />2i. Do6yourburlncesrcllanbmotlbe orrnotorcfdc.Z Ycc Et Xo d <br />lf yle, Pl€ec clpleln: <br />ZZ. Oocr6ourfff rdlcc c npeF whldca q hdrll cqrlpmcnt mrl mtsorbs ffi wlftbe? <br />lf 1rcs, plcetc cxPlaln: <br />23. I acknqdc<rge that I lravc requesDd and rccehrcd all zonirp and Ana Municipel Codc <br />rcquircrncnts pcrtrlning b my buslncss end ocatpancy apdf$on. <br />! OECTARE UI{DER PEilALTY OF PER.'URY, THAT THE FOREOOINO STATEIETT! ARE TRUE AND <br />CORRECT TO THE BEST OF [Y KNOITLEDOE AND BEUEF. <br />,{,rflA dnlnt*$ffi \ 4L qdGfb Datc r <br />Priflt ltlrrr Dn'1- <br />Tide I <br />lnformaton <br />The Planning Division's Public CounEr is open brwalk-up cusbmers frorn 8:fi) a.m. b 4:(X) p.m., llon<lay <br />through Friday, except Wednesday 10:30 a.m. b 4:@ p.m. The Planning Divisirn is lebd udthin Clty <br />Hall- Ross Annex, 20 Civic @nEr Plaze, First Floor. Mdifnnally, you may call us at (714) 0tl7€804 <br />slrould you requirc any gener:llinbrmatftm. <br />The Phnning Divisbn rwierc CertificaE of Ocorpancy roquests br cfiangc of ddress, nc\r busincsscs, <br />or expansbns to ensure fiat the proposed use is consistent with thc cstablished zoning rcguhtions of <br />Santa Ana. Pbase ched( with the Planning Divisbn's PuHlc CounEr priorb sqnirtg a leasc or oornmltEng <br />your hrsiness b a certain locatilm b dctenninc hc fcasitility. <br />lf a nonconbrming use is discontinued, or if a nonconbrming building is vacant, unused or unocatpled br <br />a pcrbd of 12 conseq.rtirrc months, any s,rbscquent use must conbrm in aery respect b the prwisbns of <br />the MunkipalZoning Codc, and a nonconforming fuilding may not thereafter be uscd or occupied until it <br />conbrms in arery resped to thc provisbns of the Code. <br />Gon rrlly, tlr.lUtowlng rtr s witl nquln furttr documontrtton or rn oxtrndod rwlow md rney or <br />mly not br permltbd: ofllcr usrs rrd6ln en lndustrlel:ono; m.dlcrl, rrstrurent, hundromrt tredo <br />or bcfinhrl schoots, md lrbrnotlvo npolr end sorvlor usc wlthln sp.cG thrt wrtr nof plrvhrly <br />usrd for such purpcc; e bullllng Otat .loc not ntod tlro partlng dornand ior thr propcod ur; <br />o7. ll8. whbh gon rrtos e hlghcr p.tklng domend or edhcrrncc b dovolopmrnt stenderds then <br />tho prwlors us.a. <br />You mry tr.d b povldo lloor phns, slb phns, or documont th. prlor usa b.iorr ohlnlng I <br />Codtlclb ol Occrtpncy b d0rmlno tto grendplnntrd ,lehts ol e nonconiormlng us., or r ur. <br />ufrlclr hrs.ddUqnl Codo nqulrunonte <br />S: Ptsrirf,brbC€an* Fanrr\