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Plannlng & Bulldlng Agency <br />Bulldlng Slrety Dlvlrlon <br />20 Clvlc Conter Plaza <br />P.O. Box 1988 (M-19) <br />Santr Ana, CA 92702 <br />(714) 6'17-5800 <br />www.santa-! <br />ALTERNATE MATERIALS, DESIGN <br />AND METHODS OF GONSTRUCTION <br />APP-09 CSC 2016 <br />A. Alternate Materlalg, Deslgn and Mothodt of Conllructlon - CBC Sectlon l04,ll <br />lntont: To sncourage the use of stat€-of-the-art concepts ln construction and matedals whlch currenlly <br />are not @vered by lhe code, however, do meel the performance lntended by the Cellfornla Bulldlng Code <br />currently ln effect. <br />B. Modlflcatlon of Bulldlng Standards - CBC Sectlon 104.10 <br />lntont: The provislons of CBC Section 104.10 permlt the Building Ofliclal to make modificatlons to tho <br />requirements of the mde lf he flnds that th6 strlct applicalion of the code is lmpractlcal and, furthermore, <br />thal th6 modiflcation ls ln conformlty wlth the lntent and purposo of the Callfornla Bulldlng Code cunently <br />ln effecl. <br />C, Fee Requlred <br />Request made for altemato materlals, deslgn and methods under ths sppllcabl6 code requlres the applicant <br />to pay a research and processlng te6. Ploase telephon€ (7'14) 647-5800 for current fee, <br />D. Alternate Materlals or Modlflcatlon Request Process <br />1. The requesl must be ln wrlting wlth a completed Alternate Methods applicatlon form (APP{9) and shall <br />be submllted to tho bulldlng p€rmlt counter. <br />2. Dlrect letter to: Mr. Jason Kwak, PE,CBO, CASp <br />Bulldlng Safety Manager <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Bullding Safety Dlvislon <br />P. O. Box 1988 (M-19) <br />Santa Ana, CA927O2 <br />3. Nole proj€ct address and plan ch6ck numb€r. <br />4. Clearly stat6 under what sectlon of the CBC, CEC. CPC or CMC the request ls belng made. <br />5. lt ls the applicanl's responslblllty to submlt substanuatlng data and evldence to show that th€ alt8mat€ ls <br />ln fact equlvalent to the performance requlred by the CBC, CEC, CPC or CMC. T€st reports sha[ bo <br />those requlrod by the approprlate code and shall hav6 be6n performed by a recognlzed tesUng agency <br />such as th6 lnlernatlonal Code Councll (lCC), the Shte Fire Marshal (SFM), Factory Mutual, Underwrlters <br />Laboratory (UL), Nalional Flre Protectlon Assoda$on (NFPA). <br />6. Request for a modiflcation shall cloarly lustfy how sald modlflcatlon ls ln conformlty wlth tho lnt€nt and <br />purpose of lhe appllcable codo. The code doos not allow the Bulldlng Officlal to lssue a varlan@, nor <br />walve bullding standard requlrements. <br />7. Attach drawlngs (floor plan, detalls, etc.) for clarlficauon of subj€ct roqu€st. <br />8. A check made payable to th6'City of Santa Ana'ln the amount requlred by the current fe€ resolullon. <br />Please telephone (714) 647-5800 for @nsnt fe€. <br />Psgc I ol 1Rqv: 06-10-20'19