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City of Santa Ana Proposal to Provide Solid Waste Consulting Services <br />RFP NO.: 18-006 <br />Subtask 3C: Review by the City Attorney and City Staff, Revise RFP and Agreement up to <br />Three Times , <br />We will submit the draft RFP and agreement to City staff and the City Attorney for review. After <br />City staff has reviewed the documents and provided us with their written comments, we will <br />confer with City staff and make appropriate revisions to these documents up to three times. The <br />draft agreement are included in the RFP as attachments. The City Attorney is requested to <br />make any changes directly to the documents in a strike -and -replace format. The City Attorney <br />will be responsible for confirming that proposed city fees comply with applicable legal statutes <br />such as Proposition 218 and 26. <br />Subtask 3D: Attend City Council Meeting to Approve RFP Package <br />HF&H will attend one City Council meeting at which the City Council will approve the RFP and <br />draft agreement. We will assist City staff with the preparation and presentation of the RFP <br />process and key contracting terms to be requested. <br />Subtask 3E: Solicit Proposals <br />Once the RFP and draft agreement have been approved by the City Council, they can be <br />distributed to potential proposers. We can provide the City with a recommended list of potential <br />proposers to whom the City may send the RFP. Alternatively, to avoid the time, expense and <br />environmental impact of production and mailing of multiple copies of a large document, we <br />recommend that HF&H or the City e-mail the RFP document to all potential proposers and the <br />local waste haulers' association, and other interested parties, We can provide the City with a list <br />of recipients for City records. By e -mailing the document, proposers are immediately notified of <br />its availability, can immediately review the document to determine their level of interest without <br />having to print it out, and can forward it to the appropriate parties within the firm immediately <br />without having to print extra copies. As we regularly distribute our RFPs this way, we may have <br />all or most of these key individuals already on our e-mail distribution list. <br />Subtask3F: Prepare for and Conduct Proposers' Conference <br />We will schedule, along with City staff, a proposers' conference to be conducted shortly after <br />release of the RFP. Potential proposers will have an opportunity to receive clarification of any <br />issues and ask questions at this conference. We will also accept written requests for clarification <br />until a set deadline. We recommend that contact between proposers and the City be controlled <br />and will suggest methods to do so, based on City staff and City Council's desired level of <br />interaction with proposers. <br />Subtask 3 G: Prepare Addenda <br />We will prepare written responses to questions posed at the proposers' conference, or <br />submitted in writing, and prepare any necessary addenda arising from issues posed at the <br />proposers' conference. All questions and responses shall be made available to all proposers in <br />attendance at the conference. <br />TASK 4. Review and Evaluate Proposals <br />Subtask 4A: Review Proposals for Completeness <br />We will perform an initial review of each proposal submitted for compliance with the City s RFP <br />requirements and consult with City staff regarding the handling of incomplete proposals. <br />April 4, 2018 Page 14 HF&H Consultants, LLC <br />60D-65 <br />