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Sec. 9-67.1. - Exclusion of close relatives. <br />If, in the opinion of an appointing authority, the appointment of a candidate to <br />a position of employment under the jurisdiction of such appointing authority would <br />result in a violation of the policy set forth in section 9-3.1, the appointing authority <br />shall so notify the executive director of pew human resources, who <br />shall exclude such candidate from the list of names certified to such appointing <br />authority for such position. Any close relative of an appointing authority shall <br />likewise be excluded from any list certified to such appointing authority. In the <br />event a candidate is excluded pursuant to this section, the executive director of <br />personnel seMGes human resources shall certify to the appointing authority a list <br />containing the names of all candidates who would have appeared on such list if <br />the excluded candidate had never been a candidate for the subject position of <br />employment. A candidate who is excluded pursuant to this section shall not be <br />considered as having been certified from an eligible list for purposes of sections 9- <br />5 or 9-67. <br />Sec. 9-68. - Failure to appoint certified applicant. <br />If, upon certification, an eligible declines appointment or neglects to report to <br />the appointing authority for interview, the appointing authority shall notify the <br />executive director of peFsennel sellflGes human resources. The executive director <br />of ^^MaRRel se^^^eS human resources shall remove any eligible from the list for <br />neglect to report within five (5) working days after notice has been sent by mail to <br />the address on file, unless said eligible provides an explanation satisfactory to the <br />executive director of personnel serViGes human resources. <br />In the case of a promotional -only appointment, after an eligible declines <br />appointment and/or is removed from the eligible list, the executive director of <br />^e•s^^nel seW!Ges human resources shall upon the request of appointing authority <br />certify the next candidate on the list. In the case of an open appointment, after an <br />eligible declines appointment and/or is removed from the list, if the number of <br />eligible candidates is less than five (5), the executive director of persennel <br />sewiseshuman resources shall upon request of the appointing authority certify the <br />next lower band. <br />Sec. 9-69. - Filling by temporary appointment. <br />Temporary appointments may not be for a period longer than one hundred <br />eighty (180) calendar days after the first day of such temporary appointment, nor <br />may temporary appointments be made to any position a cumulative total of more <br />than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days in one (1) calendar year following the <br />first day on which the position is filled by a temporary appointment. Such temporary <br />appointment will be terminated when an employment list is prepared for the <br />position. Temporary appointments shall be processed by the executive director of <br />PeFG9nnel S^^^^^s human resources for record keeping purposes and to conform <br />with personnel policies and regulations. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 11 of 16 <br />50A-13 <br />