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promotional list shall be two (2) more than the number of appointments <br />to be made. <br />In the event of ties, if there are three (3) or more candidates at the <br />highest score, only those candidates shall be certified. If there are less <br />than three (3) candidates at the highest score but three (3) or more <br />candidates within the highest two (2) scores, then those candidates <br />with the two (2) highest scores will be certified. <br />If there are no ties at the first and second scores, then all candidates <br />within the top three (3) scores will be certified. <br />(c) For open appointments, the number of names to be certified from the <br />open eligible list may be four (4) more names than the number of <br />appointments to be made. When the number of candidates certified in <br />the highest band is less than five (5), the appointing authority may <br />request the certification of the next lower band. If more than five (5) <br />people are in the group from which an appointing authority is entitled <br />to select, the appointing authority may review the applications of the <br />candidates in that group and select a lesser number of candidates for <br />certification whose qualifications best fit the needs of the position. <br />Sec. 9-67. - Appointments. <br />The appointing authority may appoint, of the candidates certified, whichever <br />one in his or her opinion is best qualified for the position. <br />No candidate may be certified more than four (4) times from any eligible list <br />resulting from any one (1) examination except candidates on open eligible lists, <br />who may be certified more than four (4) times, at the discretion of the executive <br />director of peFsenael sewises human resources, in keeping with the charter. <br />If no eligible list for the classification exists, or if an existing list for the <br />classification contains less than three (3) promotional candidates or five (5) <br />nonpromotional candidates who are eligible and available for appointment, the <br />executive director of „ersel;Rel seMses human resources shall so notify the <br />appointing authority who may select from the existing candidates or, after <br />requesting a new recruitment, may make a temporary appointment to the vacancy. <br />After making the selection, the appointing authority shall inform the executive <br />director of peFseapel sewlses human resources of the candidate appointed, the <br />date that person will assume the duties of the position and the applicable rate of <br />pay. After verification that the candidate has passed the required medical <br />examination per section 9-8, and after verification of the execution of the oath of <br />office, the executive director of human resources shall confirm <br />the appointment. After confirmation of the appointment, the appointing authority <br />shall enter the name of the employee on the employment rolls. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 10 of 16 <br />50A-12 <br />