Laserfiche WebLink
North Tryon Vision and Implementation Plan <br />TASK b: CONFIGURE AND CUSTOMIZE TANGERINE''^ <br />MIG will setup and customize the TangerineW software <br />for single click website creation using the InDesign or MS <br />Word template. <br />This task includes an Alpha release of the website upon <br />25%completion of the content loading and a Beta release <br />upon 50% completion of the content loading. This task <br />also includes development of any auxiliary website pages <br />such as the home page or other landing pages not part of <br />the InDesign template. <br />Once the General Plan is approved for public review, MIG <br />will make the web -based General Plan version publicly <br />accessible. <br />TASK 7: ANNUAL WEBSITE SUPPORT AND HOSTING <br />(1 YEAR) <br />MIG will provide the City of Santa Ana with support and <br />hosting of its new web -based General Plan for one year. <br />If after the Initial year, the City chooses to continue using <br />the Tangerine''" SaaS platform for the ePlan, MIG offers <br />competitive, high -quality annual and multi -year support <br />options tailored for public agencies. <br />10vrIA2040 Mtiv. mm+arm umm Im.} unwnRnm <br />Creating a Shared Vision for the Future of Our City <br />WANR.WYvtwNll�dsaA,m <br />a+mmmm.,aAagr�w..n.m}m <br />�avYMYwY,w1A}kexy.�p,Nn, _ <br />p4.m,y4WmxYplAra/Y �1 1I'� I <br />aoao <br />general <br />plan <br />II <br />=�^swY.+.e., <br />male X�tarrc U4Mcts and aowurces <br />Gt141 �+..n,u,..a.xwaavm.n..w-..0 n}vi�wwm, <br />mxw.uarvae..ea+.++..u". �vr,.ur <br />} ... _ <br />Oxe.eS,.,}eviwa <br />.no <br />ImAW,aMUMem, � <br />MY. �Ml .a�°u 1 i YAIMIVmv}e,ryX, <br />Website Examples: OurLA2040 General Plan Outreach Portal, <br />Hayward 2040 ePlan and SA Tomorrow <br />25M-45 PS8 Graphic Design and Support 0 <br />