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PROPOSAL <br />Civic Center5tormwaterLfftStationRenovadanDesign Services <br />Scope of Services and Schedule <br />Michael Baker has reviewed the City's proposed scope of work detailed in Attachment 1 of the <br />RFP. We intend to follow this scope as written; however, in the following paragraphs, we have <br />included some clarifications and assumptions used for budgeting purposes. We have also <br />provided value-added scope suggestions, for the City's consideration. <br />Scope of Services <br />Task 1— Pre Design <br />A. Project Kickoff & Site Visit. Michael Baker conducted an extensive site visit during the <br />preliminary study, and has reviewed the study to refamiliarize with the project. In general, <br />Michael Baker agrees with the proposed upgrades outlined In Alternative SA1 and F1 of <br />the preliminary study. During the detailed site visit, Michael Baker's team, consisting of <br />personnel involved with the preliminary study, as well as new members experienced in <br />pump station rehabilitation projects, will reevaluate the selected altematives. <br />B. Value Engineering Summary. Following the detailed site visit, Michael Baker will analyze <br />the selected aftematives to identify value engineering opportunities. Potential value <br />engineering opportunities that have been Identified during the proposal phase are Included <br />in the Understanding of Need. These opportunities, as well as others, will be evaluated at <br />the time of the site visit. <br />C. Project Coordination. Michael Baker will provide project management and coordination, <br />and will prepare progress reports, schedules and invoices according to the City's <br />requirements. It is assumed progress reports, schedules and invoices will be provided or <br />updated monthly. Michael Baker will secure permits for site work during the Pre -Design <br />and Design phases, Construction phase permitting Is excluded, as it is assumed this will <br />be the responsibility of the Contractor. It is assumed there will be three (3) Progress <br />Review Meetings (not including the preconstruction meeting, see Task M). <br />D. Records. Utilities. & Facilities Research. Michael Baker will research existing utility <br />information, record drawings, and field conditions as outlined in the RFP. During the <br />Preliminary Study, no record drawings of the Flower PS were available, and it is assumed <br />that Michael Baker will be responsible for field measurements of the existing pump station <br />to the extent required to produce the construction documents. <br />E. Environmental Clearance Document. Based on a review of the proposed improvements <br />and existing setting, it is anticipated that a CEQA Categorical Exemption will apply to each <br />lift station project. Michael Baker proposes to utilize the exemption under Section 15301, <br />Existing Facilities, which allows for the minor alteration of an existing public facility. As <br />such, Michael Baker will prepare a Notice of Exemption (NOE) as required under CEQA. <br />The NOE will cite the CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, Existing Facilities. The NOE will <br />provide a brief project description, a description of the project site and affected area, <br />graphics to support the project description/location, and substantiation for the exemption. <br />fOICAN\noNAL 19 <br />25B-70 <br />