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TAIT A Associates, Inc. <br />On -Call Engineering Services <br />surrounding the museum Including Upper and Lower Grand Avenues (Upper <br />Granit is bridged directly over Lower Grand) and on extension of the bridge deck <br />from Upper Grand over GTK Way to forma now plaza between Broad end an <br />adjacent high rise condominium, coordination of numerous existing and <br />proposed structural elements and phasing were critical to the completion of <br />these construction documents, plan's standards, details, specification argil <br />design criteria were In accordance with public., works standards and to the <br />satisfaction of city plan checkers, <br />City of West Hollywood Library and Garage, West Hollywood, CA -CAD <br />Designer, 2006 <br />Nick was responsible for generating and coordinating onsite construction <br />documents and off-site street Improvement plans for this existing library's <br />frontage and a new below -ground parldng structure which has a green roof that <br />expends and adjacent park footprint. Nick prepared a storm drain connection <br />plan for an onsite storm water treatment system, B-permlt plan and profiles <br />Improving all of San Vicente Blvd and alley surrounding building, reconstruction <br />of alley driveway and pedestrian ramps. Plan's standards, details, specification <br />and design criteria were In accordance with public works standards and to the <br />satisfaction of city plan checkers. <br />Santa Monica StreetScape, Third Street promenade, Santa Monica, CA- CAD <br />Designer, 2006 <br />Nick was responsible for generating off-slte street scope plans for 29d Street, 4011 <br />Street and Sol Street between Wilshire Blvd and Colorado Ave. Nick prepared <br />control plans for an A-permlt that relocated tree wells, benches, trash can, light <br />poles, and closed driveways, plan's standards, details, specification and design <br />criteria were in accordance with public works standards and to the satisfaction <br />ofslty plan checkers, <br />Emerson College Los Angeles Center, Los Angeles, CA - CAD Designer, 2010 <br />Nick was responsible for generating and coordinating on-site construction <br />documents and off-site street Improvement plans for this private college's all <br />new 109,000 SF state-oRheā€¢art facility. Nick prepared B-permlt plans Improving <br />all of Sunset Blvd and Gordon St along the north and west sides of the site, <br />adding ramps and relocating driveways, plan's standards, details, specification <br />and design criteria were in accordance with public works standards and to the <br />satisfaction of city plan checkers, <br />iI TAITAppendix I Page 16 <br />