TAIT & Associates, Inc.
<br />On -Coll linginearitio Services
<br />Tho pmspeadva pmtloipmst oorliflps, by slynlloped aubmitting this bid or proposal, to the boat of his or her
<br />knowledge and belief, then
<br />1, No federal appropriated foods Jim InjoapaldorWill bepaid, byoronbehalf ofthe undoatgited,'to
<br />any person fbr inononallig or nttempdng to Influence on ofPicwor eurployellofuny "call agony, a
<br />Member orcongross, an olnoer or nmployea of Congwas, or an anrploydo of a Nlonlber of Congress
<br />in onnneoli4nwltit Iha atmMhrg of Any lbdoml conbnot, Poo maldngofatty federal grant, the making
<br />of any federal loan, the onterlogInto oragywepofotiveagroemaor,and the extension, continuation,
<br />renewal, omondmenb or inodiflandon ofnny lbdaral contract, gronh loan, or cooporbdvo uyjeemanb
<br />2. If nny Amds other thunfedorol apprwprialod flails have been pnld lawill be poll to oilylorson£or
<br />lrlihioaebrg orahomptInt to IMaohce oily offloer el' onlployoo of any federal ngolloy, aMither of
<br />Congross, rat oRlaar ormgplayoa pf Conlp'ass, ar nn omplayaa e£aMaraUor of Cangross In
<br />eonneotion with this fadood contract, grant loll, loan or coopotatin agreement, the undarsigned
<br />shall owsrplata turd aubndt n "1?Iaolosaro afLdbbying Aollvlltes",
<br />This codidontlon is n nmtodnl r'epresautndan of Phot upon whlohrollmme was placed when this uansacdon was mode
<br />orerdered Into, Snbmtsslon ofthfsua,tiifeatinn Is n ptetagalstto.fonnal hig or entering Into this tratsacnon Imposed
<br />by Seoflou 1352, Tido 3I, O, S. Cade. Any person who falls to fllothorequired cergfiealimt aludl W subootte a civil
<br />pannity afnotless than $10,000 and not morn limn $100,000 tbrcaah suohfaihue,
<br />Tbo prospocttva pantolpant also agrees by submiaing his or her bid or proposal that he or she shall rogviro that the
<br />hmguago of Iids certifloodon he Inoludod In all lower tlorouboontraota, whloh oxooca $100,000, and fait all auoh sub
<br />wolpiauts sbotl epttity nod disglosa.u000rdingw,
<br />tnfuZL , v,r ejC j.:P r:r 5l „yy >#}rtTM1r'1"!ippppn!<t ft�'f t7A� 7lbpr mPY *' 1 s+ e a 1 vA# 4R xr. M,
<br />-4 f.iV:af,s.l =.aoi:�.y f,.t, st \1.n1 wY,.i• �,t��rnM 4,.C�;:b�'+k
<br />City of Soma Ana REP
<br />PagoM-2
<br />T.AIT Appendix I Page 26
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