TAIT & Associates, Inc,
<br />I On -Call Engineering Servlcas
<br />Nm_- iscai 4I�„ TI0N ICI " jffALL0_K
<br />The undersigned consultant or corporate ofilcor, during the porforniance of Oils contract, certifies as
<br />follows:
<br />The Consultant shall not dla ide"Inato against any employoo or applionnt for employment booartso of
<br />raw;, e0lor,raligfnn, sox, or national odgin, The Consultant shall take Affirmative, notion to ensure
<br />that applicants are employed, slid that amployoos tire treated, durbigomploymo rt without, regard to
<br />their race, color, religion, sox, ornolional origin. Such lichen shall lnolude, but not he limited to, the
<br />following; empployment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or rodrulhnent Advertising;
<br />layoff or tone nation; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; slid selection for training,
<br />Including Apprenticeship, The Consultant agrees in post In connptououa places, Available to
<br />employees and Applicants for onrploymont, notices to beprovkiod senting forth tho provis(mna of this
<br />nondloadvalnnlion clause,
<br />2, The Consultant shall, In all aolleitadons or advcrllsomotts for am�ieyeos placed by or on behalf of
<br />the Consultant, state that ill quallfled applicants will receive coins donation for employment without
<br />regard to rage, dolor, religion, sox, orantional origin,
<br />3, The Consultant MAN send to each labor union or roprosentativo of workors with whlolr lefsho bas u
<br />oollootive bargaining agreement or other contract orundastanding, a notice to be provided advislag
<br />lire said labor union or workors' ruprosontattvos of the Cousuhnnr'a commitments under this sootlon,
<br />And,$htalt post copies of the notloo In;wnspiouqus,phtcos avallnhle to smplgycasAod Applicants for
<br />empfaylllent,' '
<br />4, The Coatsvitont shall comply with all pravislons of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965,
<br />And orthe rules, tagulatlons, and rolovnntor'daa of the Secretary orLabor,
<br />5, The Consultant shall tannish all infotrnalon rend xopotts required by Rxcoutivo Order 11246 of
<br />September 24, 1965, and by talus, rogulations, and odors of the Seorotary of Labor, or pursuant
<br />Violate, and will permit access to hishlor books, records, mrd accounts by the Adminlsterlag Agency
<br />and the Secretary of Labor for purpo@os of invostlgathou, to ascertain compliance with such rules,
<br />regulations, and orders,
<br />6. In the event of the Consultant's not•compllance with 1110 nnndlserhninatlon clauses of this contract
<br />or with any of the sold roles, regulations, or orders, the contract may be canceled, terminated, or
<br />suspomlod hi whole or In ppart and the Consuham May be declared Ineligible for farther Covornmoit
<br />contracts or rederully ttssi•stctl construotion oontraots In nccordwico with presentness authorized in
<br />Rxeoution Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, mrd $uch other sanctions may be Imposed and
<br />remedies invoked as provided In Lnxcuativo Order 11246 of Soptembor 24, 1965, or by rule,
<br />ragulottons, or ardor of iia Sawotary ofLsbar, or as othewiae prevldod by low,
<br />7. The Consultant shall Include the portion of the sontenac Immediately preceding pArngrupir (1) and
<br />the provlsions of pantseaj9ss (1) iluough (7) la ovary subcontract or purchase order unless exempted
<br />Clly af. 'ants Ana HPP
<br />PagoAA.3
<br />19
<br />1ITAIT.,,�.., Appendix I page 27
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