documentation and resource agency permitting. They are experienced. in taking a project from conception to find
<br />build,out,: and provide environmentat compliance services In support of design and construction engineering, Our
<br />team's environmental services include; CEQAlNEPA documentation, groundwater protection, environmental audits,
<br />environmental compliance, natural resource investigations, stormwater management, and more.
<br />Storm Drain Design and Drainage Analysis. Kimley- orn's drainage engineering services-indude the design of
<br />canals, detention begins, culvert crossings, water control structures, diversion structures, pump stations, and more.
<br />Our engineers have been oolled upon by numerous public agencies and major agricultural, Industrial, and residential
<br />developers to conduct preliminary studies and drainage consultation; prepare stormwater hionagement plans, perform
<br />watershed and floodplain analyels,,prepars storm drain master plans, and coordinatepermlt applications on their behalf,
<br />-Structural Analysis. XIMley-Hour's structural engineering team provides structural design and analysis for a rarigd of
<br />major retaining structures, parking structures; roadway bridges, pedestrian bridges, to minor footings and foundations for
<br />traffic signals, roadway signs, and -storm drain structures, Our structural ongineers. have extensive experience working
<br />with public agencies and are familiar with routine plan check processes for multiple agencies.
<br />Construction and 810 Support; Our team is equipped with the latest construction management systems and
<br />applications available In the industry. These tools are scalable and customizable to fit the City's project needs and budget,
<br />and to Integrate with the City's existing standards, From simple, time -tested forms and procedures, to advanced
<br />construction management and web -based systems, our team will deliver small and large projects on -time and
<br />under budget while keeping the City up to date on a "real-time" basis, in addition to our design team's experience
<br />with design relevant topics, our construction phase personnel can attend pre -construction conferences and regular project
<br />meetings, provide review and approval of submittals, as well as other activities necessary io achieve well -coordinated
<br />construction projects of proposed Improvements.
<br />Approach to Yotir On -Call
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<br />Through our five decades of experience working with on•call clients, wehave learned valuable lessons drat have helped
<br />us create a unique approach to meeting our cllents' noods. We understand the urgency associated with federally funded,
<br />time sensitive, or public safety projects, and we are equipped to allocate sufficient resources to meet deadlines and the
<br />City's capital improvement program schedule. Our approach to your on -call tasks entails the following:
<br />Project Management—Singlo Point of Contact: We have widespread experttso, and experience in all facets of
<br />municipal projects. Kimley-Hom's project manager, Darren Adrian, P E., will serve as the primary point of contact, and
<br />will manage the team through the length of the contract. He has over 27 years of murildpal engineering experience and
<br />managed several projects with various cities in California. His experience includes design, planning, and construction of
<br />major roadways, transportation facilities, streetscape Improvements, and utilities and is knowledgeable of federal, state,
<br />county, and municipal regulations. Darren will oversee and review the engineering activities including engineering design,
<br />studies, Investigations, peer review, surveying, subconsultant review, and other related activities. He will be available to
<br />City staff for a timely response to service requests, Including questions about budgets, invoices, and schedules.
<br />Before a project starts, Darren will conduct a project scoping meeting with all respective team members to brainstorm
<br />the project issues. Our team will conduct a project initiation meeting with the appropriate team members to coordinate
<br />the project plan Including milestones, deliverables, and current project events. Project coordination meetings will be
<br />scheduled based on the project duration to make sure the project remains on track.
<br />City of Santa Ana I rROC7702u. 17
<br />Kim lley AMorn
<br />