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T RAFFIC I MPACT A NALYSIS <br />S EPTEMBER 2017 <br />C HRIST O UR S AVIOR C ATHOLIC P ARISH <br />S ANTA A NA , O RANGE C OUNTY , C ALIFORNIA <br /> <br />P:\DOM1701\doc\Traffic Impact Analysis.docx «09/20/17» 8 <br />EXISTING CONDITIONS <br />Existing Circulation System <br />Key roadways in the vicinity of the project include the following: <br />• Raitt Street is adjacent to and north of the project site. Raitt Street is a two-lane roadway <br />facilitating travel between major arterials and ultimate destinations. <br />• Bear Street is east of the project site. Bear Street is a four-lane arterial north of MacArthur <br />Boulevard and a five-lane arterial south of MacArthur Boulevard. This north-south arterial <br />provides access to State Route 73 to the south. <br />• MacArthur Boulevard is south of the project site. MacArthur Boulevard is a six-lane east-west <br />arterial that provides primary access to Jaguar Way and ultimately to the project site. This <br />arterial provides regional east-west travel to the adjacent cities of Fountain Valley and Irvine. <br />Adjacent School Circulation <br />The primary entrance to the Church parking lot is accessed from the Raitt Street/Alton Avenue <br />traffic signal. Traffic accesses the Church, the YMCA, and Segerstrom High School (one of the <br />school’s access points is in this location) from the southern leg of Raitt Street. The Church holds <br />services at 8:00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Inbound trips for these services occur at the <br />same time as inbound and drop-off trips for the high school. In order to understand how high <br />school-generated traffic affects access, LSA staff conducted a field visit of the site on Wednesday, <br />September 13, 2017. <br />Raitt Street is used by some Segerstrom High School vehicular traffic as a drop-off area, although the <br />street is not designated by the school for that purpose. During the morning drop-off, school traffic <br />enters from Alton Avenue and many drivers seek to drop off students as close as possible to Alton <br />Avenue. The curb in this area of the southerly projection of Raitt Street is painted red. California <br />Vehicle Code Section 22500(c) states that a person shall not stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle <br />whether attended or unattended in an area indicated by a sign or red paint on the curb so long as <br />the sign or paint was erected or placed by local authorities pursuant to an ordinance. No signage is <br />placed along Raitt Street indicating whether this is a “No Stopping” or a “No Parking” zone. Signage <br />consistent with California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices R26(S), R26A(S), or R28(S) <br />would further support the red curb prohibition of stopping a vehicle in this area, but would not be <br />necessary. As long as the red curb was placed by the City pursuant to an ordinance, drop-off activity <br />would not be permitted in this area and vehicles could be cited. <br />When vehicles stop on Raitt Street to drop off in this undesignated area, traffic flow on Raitt Street <br />for the Church’s morning service is restricted. The southbound lane is 15.5 feet in width, which does <br />not provide a comfortable parking and travel lane. As a result, vehicles traveling southbound slow <br />considerably when passing stopped vehicles. Vehicles that dropped off rejoin the southbound traffic <br />and make a U-turn at the southern end of Raitt Street. Occasionally drivers will choose to U-turn <br />midblock rather than proceed to the end of Raitt Street. Northbound queues were not observed to <br />3-59