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T RAFFIC I MPACT A NALYSIS <br />S EPTEMBER 2017 <br />C HRIST O UR S AVIOR C ATHOLIC P ARISH <br />S ANTA A NA , O RANGE C OUNTY , C ALIFORNIA <br /> <br />P:\DOM1701\doc\Traffic Impact Analysis.docx «09/20/17» 9 <br />interfere with the performance of the Church’s driveway on Raitt Street, but the drop-off and turn- <br />around activity does increase friction on Raitt Street. <br />Drop-off activity begins to occur more frequently starting at approximately 7:35 a.m. This activity <br />continues for 15 minutes until approximately 7:50 a.m. Currently, this period of peak drop-off <br />activity coincides with inbound traffic to the 8:00 a.m. Church service on Monday, Wednesday, and <br />Friday. <br />If the drop-off activity and the traffic volume associated with school traffic continues, the project’s <br />proposed modification of the driveway with Raitt Street will provide a benefit to traffic flow. The <br />provision of more turn-around space will provide a defined area for turn-around movements to be <br />conducted. The wider space for turning around will also permit all vehicles to complete the turn in <br />one motion, eliminating the three-point turns larger vehicles now perform. The uniformity of turn- <br />around location and continuous forward movement will decrease confusion and reduce delay for all <br />vehicles using Raitt Street. <br />Existing Intersection Level of Service Analysis <br />Peak-hour intersection turn volumes were collected by National Data and Surveying Services and are <br />provided in Appendix A. Traffic volumes at Raitt Street-Jaguar Way/MacArthur Boulevard were <br />collected during the a.m. peak hour, the p.m. peak hour, and the hour after school (i.e., 2:15 p.m. to <br />3:15 p.m.) during the 2016–2017 school year on Tuesday, May 16, 2017. Traffic volumes for Raitt <br />Street/Alton Avenue were collected during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours during the 2017–2018 <br />school year on Wednesday, August 16, 2017. Traffic volumes were also collected from 8:00 a.m. to <br />10:30 a.m. (the typical Church service time) for Raitt Street/Alton Avenue and Jaguar Way/ <br />MacArthur Boulevard on Sunday, August 20, 2017. Figure 5 presents the existing a.m. and p.m. <br />peak-hour turn movement volumes for the study area intersections. Figure 6 presents the existing <br />Sunday morning traffic volumes. <br />Table A summarizes the existing a.m. and p.m. peak-hour LOS analysis (Appendix B contains all LOS <br />calculation worksheets). As Table A indicates, all study area intersections currently operate at an <br />acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) during both a.m. and p.m. peak hours. <br />Table A: Existing Intersection Level of Service Summary <br />Intersection <br />Existing <br />AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Sunday Morning <br />ICU/Delay LOS ICU/Delay LOS ICU/Delay LOS <br />1. Raitt Street/Alton Avenue 0.60 B 0.51 A 0.22 A <br />2. Jaguar Way/Project Driveway1 N/A – N/A – N/A – <br />3. Jaguar Way/Proposed Residential Driveway1 N/A – N/A – N/A – <br />4. Jaguar Way/MacArthur Boulevard 0.72 C 0.54 A 0.17 A <br />5. Project Driveway/Alton Avenue1 0.0 sec A 0.0 sec A 9.1 sec A <br />Source: LSA (September 2017). <br />1 Unsignalized intersection <br />ICU = intersection capacity utilization <br />LOS = level of service <br />sec = seconds <br />N/A = not applicable; intersection does not exist <br />3-60