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5. Will we have to deal with High School traffic once building is complete? <br />Answer: The parish is currently working to mitigate existing traffic <br />concerns related to Segerstrom High School parents using the private drive <br />entrance between COSCP and the adjacent YMCA as a student drop-off. <br />This area is private property owned by the YMCA and COSCP and is not a <br />public street. The proposed site layout provides a turn-around area to allow <br />a safe place for traffic to circulate in/out of the site. The existing gate at the <br />northeast corner of the site is intended to remain. A new gate will be added <br />at the southwest corner of the property into the existing Raitt St. (south) <br />cul-de-sac. Said gate will be locked on weekdays, and only open on <br />weekends for masses. <br />6. What is the timeline for Phase 1 and Phase 2? <br />Answer: Exact dates are unknown as of today due to the approval process. <br />We expect to start construction Early 2018 and to take approximately 14 <br />months. Expect to complete project in spring of 2019. <br />7. Can we obtain master plans? <br />Answer: No. Master plans have not been published yet, as they are still in <br />the preliminary phase. <br />8. Where will the main entrance to our building be? <br />Answer: Via the existing private entrance at the signalized intersection of <br />Alton and Raitt Street (north). <br />9. Will there be handicap parking spaces? <br />Answer: Yes, absolutely. <br />10. How far will the closest parking space be from Parish Building? <br />Answer: About 250 feet. <br />11. Will construction of our church building interfere with the construction of <br />Shea Homes? <br />Answer: No <br />12. Is each phase, phase 1 and phase 2, funding dependent? <br />Answer: Yes <br />13. What is the cost of Phase 1? <br />Answer: Approximate construction/hard cost is 10 million, but still fluid. <br />3-109