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limiting our site reconnaissance, if applicable. If knowledgeable persons are identified and can be <br />interviewed, interviews will be conducted. Review of past interviews may be required. As required by the <br />ASTM standard, we ask that copies of previous environmental investigations and audits of the property are <br />made available, as well as other information related to storage, use, or release of hazardous substances or <br />petroleum products at the site, such as environmental permits, registrations for tanks, material safety data <br />sheets, or waste disposal records, if applicable. <br />Report Preparation <br />PlaceWorks will interpret the information and data assembled from work scope task items numbers 1 and <br />2 above, and will formulate conclusions regarding evidence of RECs at the site and their potential impact <br />on the site. We will prepare three copies of a report summarizing the results of our assessment and <br />discussing our conclusions regarding the potential presence and impact of RECs in connection with the site, <br />based on the work scope described above. <br />As required by ASTM, our final report will include a statement indicating that the work was conducted <br />consistent with the scope and limitations of the ASTM Standard, and discussing whether RECs were or were <br />not identified in connection with the property. <br />Assumptions <br />No subsurface explorations or chemical testing of soils or groundwater will be performed during this <br />assessment. Therefore, our conclusions regarding the evidence of RECs will be based on observations of <br />existing visible conditions, and on our interpretation of site history and site usage information. Further, our <br />conclusions regarding the presence of hazardous substances and petroleum products may not be <br />applicable to areas beneath existing structures, unless specific subsurface exploration, sampling, and/or <br />testing information is available and reviewed by us for such areas. <br />The ASTM E 1527-13 Standard includes the following list of "additional issues' that are non -scope <br />considerations outside of the scope of the ASTM Phase I practice: Asbestos -Containing Materials, Radon, <br />Lead -Based Paint, Lead in Drinking Water, Wetlands, Regulatory Compliance, Cultural and Historic Risks, <br />Industrial Hygiene, Health and Safety, Ecological Resources, Endangered Species, Indoor Air Quality, and <br />High Voltage Powerlines. Assessment of these items is not included in our proposed work scope. A limited <br />assessment of the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is included in the ASTM work scope. <br />Accordingly, our assessment of the presence of PCBs is limited to those potential sources specified in the <br />ASTM Standard as "electrical or hydraulic equipment known or likely to contain PCBs to the extent visually <br />and or physically observed or identified from the interview or records review. A chain -of -title will not be <br />provided under this scope of work. <br />Task 2.4: Native American Coordination/Consultation <br />Under this task, PlaceWorks will contact the California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) and <br />request for a review/search of their Sacred Lands File. NAHC will determine if any NAHC-listed Native <br />American sacred lands are located within or adjacent to the project site. Upon their review of the Sacred <br />Lands File, NAHC will provide PlaceWorks with a letter/memo outlining their findings. <br />Additionally, in accordance with the Senate Bill 18 (SB 18) Native American consultation procedures <br />involving general plan amendments, PlaceWorks will coordinate with City staff to acquire the list of Native <br />American tribes that have submitted formal consultation request letters to the City. Upon receipt of the <br />tribe list, PlaceWorks will prepare a letter on behalf of the City to the tribe(s), requesting that the tribe(s) <br />contact the City in writing if they wish to consult on the proposed project; the City will mail out the final <br />25D-20 <br />