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Fuller Order Form <br />CERTIFICATION AND AGREEMENT <br />- _ -- <br />_e <br />A. By signing hekow, tha3dlar hereby authorities Invoice Chi d, Irle t"Iavnka Etnuu d"kt0,odiaandexecma d;dit bitJcreentries ill its checRtng(dapusikaeenurvt(s)ir,tlicatettabovaz <br />etlre <br />depositary financial Innitudants) named above and to debit credit the same sock accounllsl. The Bitter acknow edges that the origination MACH transactions t0 its aecount(s) must <br />Cooddy with the Provisions of U.S. law. This aupandyts t6 remain in fail fact. and effect until (Fj Invoice Cloud has receivers Written notification (by eleCaTork Or U.S. mail) from the <br />0,110, of Its revocation In Such time and me.", as to allow Invoice Cloud a remorldi1te Opportunity to act a, it, but not less the, Te business days ootics; and till all obligations of the <br />Biller m Invoice Cloud that have arisen wider this Agreement and ail other agreements have been paid in full. Tile Hiller .at also notify Invoice Cloud, in writing, (by electronic or U.S. <br />mail) when a change in account nuarthuh) or bank has Occurred at which time this authmhation shall apply to such new/changed acccurn. Tbis notification must be received within to <br />business days of change. A fee will be charged for any returned Af tt debits_ <br />By signing below, the Biller named; (1) has read, Agreed to, and acknowledges receipt of the Biller Agreement, Biller TI -C and other Order forms executed by the Biller, amd (2) Certide5 <br />to Invoice Cloud that he/she is authorized to sign F'o Order Farm; 13) certifies mat id urformation and documents submitted In comecthon vdth this Order Farm are tree and complete: <br />(d) authorizes Invoice Cloud or its agent to verify any of the information given, Including credit references, and to obtain credit reports (including a $pence if in a community property <br />,total; (a) agrees to pay the Monthly Access Fee through the last day of the month following the effective date of terminasion as provided in the Opting Agreement; (S) agrees that Biller <br />and eardt transaetlon submitted will be bound by the Order Perm and tlhe Biller Agreement in Its entirety; (6) agrees Chat Biller writ submit transactions only in accordance with the <br />Information in this Order Farm and Biller Agreement and will Immodia Lely inform mvdice Cloud, by email (conlraots(lalnvaice< If any Information in this Order Form changes, <br />and 17) the Oilieragrees and understands that outstanding sums can anti owing to InvoiceCaud., will be charged dally or directly and debited front its currant dolsoskary account. Nom <br />sufficient funds to, duce debits are grounds for a Change In fees pr termination of due Agreement. In the event of non-payment Of any sums due, Invoice Cloud reserves the right t0 <br />withdraw such sums from Hie current depositary, account at anytime to ensure payment of the same. <br />C. pay by Text! Standard data rates and text messaging rates may apply basalt on Coe pnynYs plan War their mobile phone carried. flavor can opt out of text messaging at any time with <br />Invoice Claud. Partial payment or Overpayment is not supported. Service fees may apply based on the biller set up with invoice Cloud. Bider may not use the service for activities drat <br />vhaime any law, statute, ordinance or regulation. <br />a. By Agoing bilow, the Biller hasty, ghees pemdssion to dwa ice Claud to access his J her credit history via Trans Union,Equifax, or ther confit reporting agency. <br />E. The Order Fonn and the Biller Agreement will became effenlye only when counter -signed by Invoice Gaud and upon execution by ate Other of Bach third party agreement required by <br />invoke Cloud to permit We of the payment function of the Service. <br />—.—_— <br />InWRNE55WNF.PEUF, the parties hereto have axecumdthls Agreementas of this day <br />Accepted by Biller Accepted by Invoice Cloud: <br />Corporate Officer Corporate filler <br />1 Francisca Gutierrez - <br />printed Naim printed Name <br />Finance Director i Piz �Jl�'t/e' f ' t i�Vt� G.! i ii! <br />Tltle Title <br />A.o <br />