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1. When inspecting your ambulance: <br />a. try to perform the inspection the same way each <br />time. <br />b. use a checklist if possible. <br />c. review the previous Inspection report. <br />d. All of the above. <br />2 Check that the ambulanWa tires are property <br />IMiated by; <br />a. using an appropriate gauge. <br />b, kicking the tires and listening for a <br />hollow sound. <br />c. striking the tires with a solid object, <br />d. visually inspecting the tires. <br />3. Propedy adjueled mirrors will: <br />a. eliminate Wind spots, <br />b. allow you to safely exceed the speed limit. <br />c. reduce your bmd spots, <br />d. allow you to reduce your following distance while <br />on emergency non& <br />4. All of the following are true of blind spats <br />How. <br />a, they can be created by the structure of <br />the ambulance. <br />b. they can be eliminated by property <br />adjusting the mirrors. <br />c. they are different from the blind spots around <br />your personal vehicle. <br />d. properly adjusted minors will reduce <br />their size, <br />Before caving the ambulance, be sure that <br />everyone Is buckled in and secured exceof: <br />a. on an emergency run. <br />b, on a non -emergency run. <br />o. when patient care would be adversely Impacted. <br />d. when traveling at slow speed. <br />6. What do the lagers "SCC"stand for? <br />a. Safety, Care, Concent <br />le. Scanning, Cushion of Salohy Communicating <br />c. Speed, Control, Care <br />d. Scan, Care, Control <br />7. When driving on open reads such as <br />highways, try to scan down the mad: <br />a. 12.15 seconds. c. 3 vehicle lengths. <br />b. 3.5 seconds. it. to the next vehicle. <br />&When driving In congested, city -hike <br />environments, by to scan: <br />a. to nest vehicle. <br />b. 3.5 seconds ahead, <br />c a block to a block and one half ahead. <br />d. four vehicle lengths ahead. <br />9. Now often should you glance In your mlrrors? <br />a, every 12.15 seconds. <br />b. mare M sacnnds. <br />C. only when preparing to change lanes. <br />d. once each mile. <br />16. What does "Cushion of Salety" ratan to? <br />a the boiling care area. <br />b. the area protected with set* air bags, <br />c. the area around your ambulance. <br />d. the area white your ambulance. <br />11.Whdch area of your Cushion of Safety Is the <br />most critical? <br />IL to the from, <br />It. to both sides. <br />C. directly behind. <br />it. the area within the ambulsnoo, <br />12. The front tires of the ambulance should have <br />a minimum treed depth of: <br />a. 2142 of so fnoh. e. 2132 of an Inch. <br />b. 4132 of an inch. d. 4/16 of an inch. <br />13. Maintaining a cushion of safety Is important: <br />a. only in adverse weather, <br />to. only an the highway. <br />o. any in the city. <br />d. in all driving environments. <br />14. A key concept in establishing a cushion of <br />safety in front of the ambulance Is: <br />a. using youremargency lights and siren, <br />b. maintaining a safe following distance, <br />C. trevoling slightly taster than the speed limit, <br />d. changing lanes frequently to avoid <br />traveling behind other vehicles. <br />15. A sate following d€stance is _ your <br />ambulance's total stopping distance. <br />a. the same as c less than <br />b. greater than d. not related to <br />16, Leaning In your east white glancing In your <br />mirrors: <br />a, is not recommended. <br />b. is only recommended when driving on <br />the highway. <br />e. is only recommended when baddng. <br />it. can help you monitor your blind spots. <br />17. Which of the following is not a component of <br />your total stopping distance? <br />a. following Distance <br />b. Braking Distance <br />a. Reaction Distance <br />d. Perception Distance <br />19. As you approach the ambulance to perform an <br />Inspection, do all of the following fill". <br />a. look for obvious damage or leaking fluid. <br />b, check compartment doors, <br />c, kick each tire to check for proper inflation. <br />d. use a checklist if one is available. <br />19. Trying to maintain a sate following distance <br />Is important <br />a. only when being tailgated. <br />to. only at highway speeds. <br />c only in adverse weather, <br />it. under all driving cmumstimms. <br />26. The average reaction time for all drivers Is: <br />a. 314 of a second, <br />Is. 2 seconds. <br />C. 3.5 seconds. <br />d.1 second. <br />21. Covering your brake will:. <br />a. allow you to reduce your (allowing distance. <br />b. allow you to safely exceed The speed limit, <br />c, help reduce your reaction time, <br />it. eliminate non,emargency colfidona <br />22. total stopping distance is: <br />a. difficult to predict accurately. <br />b, is the same for all vehicles, <br />c. is always the same regardless of conditions. <br />d, Is the same regardless of speed. <br />23. in ideal conditions and when traveling ypggq <br />40 mph, the recommended minimum following <br />distance Is: <br />a. two vehicle lengths. <br />b, 3 seconds. <br />C. 4 seconds. <br />d. 5 seconds, <br />24, in Ideal Conditions and when traveling gvM 49 <br />mph, the recommended minimum following <br />distance is: <br />s. three vehicle lengths. <br />b. 3 seconds. <br />a. 4 seconds. <br />it, 5 soccnd% <br />25. When approaching a jaywalker attempting to <br />cress the street, which of the following is not <br />recommended: <br />a. Cover the brake as you approach, <br />b. stop and ways the jaywalker across the sheet <br />c, be certain the jaywalker remains on the side of <br />to road before proceeding. <br />d, be prepared to stop <br />26, When approaching a "stale" great light, it is <br />recommended that you: <br />a. accelerate slightly to make if through the mter- <br />section. <br />It. cover the brake as you approach. <br />o. stop before the intersection. <br />d, put your emergency lights an to warn others. <br />27. When stopping behind another vehicle, do <br />so close enough to prevent pedestrians <br />from passing between the two vehicles: <br />a. Trim In, FeISP <br />