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28, if you most stop at an Intersection before <br />making a tett turn, you should: <br />a. wait with your wheels turned to the left. <br />It. wait Will your"Is pointed straight ahead. <br />a wait with your wheels turned to the right <br />d. turn on your hazard fights. <br />28.111han you have tate choke of two dostgnat• <br />ad left turn lanes, from which Ions should <br />you make the turn N possible? <br />a. The lone to gra right, <br />b. The lane to the left. <br />c. Either lane: It makes no difference. <br />d. Straddle both lanes to prevent others from <br />turning at the same time. <br />30. If you are stopped at an Intersection <br />controlled by a traffic light and the light <br />turns green, it Is recommended that you: <br />a. proceed Immediately to avoid being struck <br />from behind. <br />le. turn on your emergency lights briefly to clear <br />the Intersection, <br />c. use your siren to make sure others see your <br />ambulance before proceeding, <br />d. delay your start to be certain the <br />intersection dears, <br />31, When on a ramp and preparing to enter a <br />highway, you should do each of the follow• <br />Ing Uggpt: <br />a. stay close to the vehicle ahead to make <br />entering and merging easier. <br />b. scan for opening In traffic across all lanes. <br />C. maintain a safe following distance. <br />d. use your turn signal to communicate your <br />intention to enter the highway. <br />32. On the open roadway and traveling at <br />typical highway speeds, scanning ahead <br />12 —15 seconds Is: <br />a. ineffective. <br />b. about 114 mile ahead. <br />c. recommended only when on an <br />emergency run, <br />d, about 112 mile. <br />33. You should assume that you are in another <br />driver's blind spot: <br />a. it you cannot see the other vehicle's inside <br />rear view mirror through the rear window. <br />le. at all times, <br />c, if you cannot see that otter vehicle's rear bumper <br />d. if you cannot see the other vehicle's license <br />plate. <br />1, It you notice that you are being <br />tailgated, you should: <br />a, tap the brakes to warn the other driver, <br />b. briefly turn on your emergency lights. <br />c. Increase your following distance. <br />A <br />35. When you approach a red light on an <br />emergency run:. <br />a. it Is not necessary to stop. <br />b. you should stop before entering the hiftewo- <br />tion and proceed only when safe. <br />c. you should stop and wait for the fight to turn <br />green. <br />d. your fights and sirens will prevent other <br />vehicles from ardering the intersection. <br />38.When preparing to beck, you should do all <br />of the following except: <br />a. ask a pedestrian to watch your backing path. <br />b. scan your backing path as you approach the <br />site, <br />c. back only when you are certain that it is safe, <br />d. open your window slightly so you can bear <br />exterior warnings. <br />31.When backing with a helper or spotter, <br />agree on hand signals before beginning: <br />8. True It. False <br />38.When driving at night: <br />a. flash your high beams if another driver <br />neglects to lower their headlights. <br />b. use your high beams at all times kyr better <br />visibility. <br />c, use your low beams at all times. <br />d. use your high beams when suleand login to do so. <br />$0. On an emergency run, which of the follow- <br />ing Is a concern? <br />a. Tailgaters, <br />b, Maintaining a cushion of safety. <br />c. Passing other vehicles, <br />d. All of the above. <br />40. When driving at night and another <br />vehicle approaches with high beams: <br />a. gash your high beams. <br />b. briefly flash your emergency lights, <br />c. shift your eyes to the right edge of the lane. <br />d. poll onto the shoulder to avoid being blinded. <br />41. Which of the following is true of hydroplaning: <br />a. It can occur at speeds as low as 30 mph. <br />b, it is not a concern for ambulance drivers. <br />o, it occurs only during very heavy rain. <br />d. once it occurs, hard braking will reduce its effects. <br />42. When driving in wet, ley or other slippery <br />conditions, you should: <br />a. keep your speed low. <br />b, increase your following distance, <br />c. avoid sudden braking and steering. <br />d. All of the above. <br />43. When approaching tragic circles, you should try <br />to do the following ggtilo. <br />a. know your exit ahead of time and if you miss <br />it, continue around the circle. <br />b. scary ahead for clues about drs trafBo pattern. <br />c. cover the brake as you near in case you <br />must stop for other vehicles. <br />d. if you miss your exit point, stop and bade up. <br />44. All of the following are true of the "Mona <br />Over Law"except that it: <br />a. states that other vehicles must move over to <br />an adjacent tans when approaching an <br />emergency vehicle displaying its lights. <br />b. states that if another vehicle cannot move <br />ever to an adjacent lana, It must slow betre <br />Passing the emergency vehicle. <br />c. does not apply to ambulances, <br />d. applies to all police, fire and ambulance <br />vehicles. <br />45. A vehicle's stepping distance can be <br />affected by: <br />e. the road conditions. <br />b- the type of time. <br />c, the reaction time of the driver, <br />d. All of the above. <br />48, Effective scanning allows you to: <br />a. monitor the area in front as well as the battle <br />around your ambulance. <br />b. exceed the speed limit, <br />C. monitor and assist with patient care. <br />d. All of the above. <br />41. Checking your mirror's: <br />s, allows you to spot following vehicles before <br />they move into a tafigaling posftinn. <br />b. will distract you from driving safely, <br />a. is recommended only when backing. <br />d. is recommended only when changing lanes. <br />48. When driving on rural roads: <br />a. following distance becomes less Important <br />h. visibility and maneuverability are restricted. <br />c. mirror checks are urdmportant <br />d. scanning becomes less important. <br />40. On an emergency run: <br />a. you can disregard all traffic control laws. <br />b. your main concern is getting to the site as <br />fast as possible, <br />c. you can disregard some traffic control laws, <br />but roust still drivo responsibly and with <br />regard for the safety of others. <br />d, your responsilA fly is both driving and <br />monitoring patient care, <br />S0. When you ore running with your lights and shenson: <br />a. assume drivers ahead can see and hear <br />you, then scan further down the road. <br />b, expect other drivers to yield to you. <br />c. don't assume others can see and hear you <br />and will act correctly, <br />d. it is safe to disregard all traffic control laws. <br />