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Quality of Care and Patient Safety <br />Our mission is to provide high quality, cost-effective healthcare to all of our <br />patients. We treat all patients with warmth, respect, and dignity and provide <br />care that is both necessary and appropriate. <br />As a general principle, CARE aspires to a standard of excellence for all em- <br />ployees and contractors in the areas of quality of care and patient safety. <br />This commitment is an obligation of every CARE colleague, which Includes <br />employees, contractors, vendors, managers, directors, owners, and anyone <br />who acts or performs services on behalf of CARE. <br />Accordingly, it is a fundamental principle of being part of CARE that each per- <br />son dedicate himself or herself to achieving the goals described here. In addi- <br />tion, In any circumstance where a CARE colleague has a question about <br />whether the quality or patient safety commitments set forth herein are being <br />fully met, that individual is obligated to raise this concern through appropri- <br />ate channels until it is satisfactorily addressed and resolved. Such channels <br />Include the CARE colleague's supervisor, and if necessary, the CARE Ethics <br />Line or Compliance Officer. <br />Patient Rights <br />We make no distinction in the <br />availability of services or in the <br />care we provide based on age, <br />gender, disability, race, color, <br />religion, financial classification, <br />or national origin. We recognize <br />and respect the diverse back- <br />grounds and cultures of our pa- <br />tients and make every effort to <br />equip our caregivers with the <br />knowledge and resources to re- <br />spect each patient's cultural heritage and needs. <br />Each patient is provided with a written statement of patient rights and a no- <br />tice of privacy practices. These statements Include the rights of a patient to <br />make decisions regarding medical care, the right to refuse or accept treat- <br />ment, the right to informed decision-making, and a patient's rights related to <br />7 <br />