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his or her health Information main- <br />tained by CARE. Such statements con- <br />Empathy patiently <br />y p y <br />farm to all applicable state and Federal <br />Sincerely seeing the <br />laws, including but not limited to the <br />world through the other <br />Health Insurance Portability and Ac- <br />countability Act of 1996 (hereinafter re- <br />Person ys eyes. It is not <br />y <br />ferred to as HIPAA). <br />learned in school; it is <br />cultivated over a lifetime. <br />We seek to involve patients in all as- <br />-Albert Einstein <br />pects of their care, including giving con- <br />sent for treatment or transfer and mak- <br />Ing healthcare decisions. As applicable, each patient or patient representa- <br />tive is provided with a clear explanation of care. In the promotion and protec- <br />tion of each patient's rights, each patient and his or her representatives are <br />accorded appropriate confidentiality, privacy, security, advocacy and protec- <br />tive services, opportunity for resolution of complaints, and pastoral care or <br />spiritual care. <br />Patients and, when appropriate, their families are informed about the out- <br />comes of care, treatment and services that have been provided, including un- <br />anticipated outcomes. Patients are also involved as clinically appropriate In <br />resolving dilemmas about care decisions. Patients have the right to refuse <br />care, treatment, and services in accordance with the Naw and regulations.. <br />CARE also maintains processes for prompt resolution of patient grievances <br />which Include informing patients who to contact regarding grievances and <br />informing patients regard - <br />Ing the grievance resolu- <br />tion. <br />Patient Information <br />To the extent possible, we <br />collect information about <br />the patient's medical con- <br />dition, history, medication, <br />and family Illnesses to <br />provide quality care. We <br />are also committed to <br />