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sources Director, Compliance Officer, or the Ethics Line. <br />Surveys and Accreditations <br />From time -to -time, government agencies, accreditation agencies, and other <br />entities conduct surveys In our facility. We respond with openness and accu- <br />rate information. In preparation for or during a survey or inspection, CARE <br />colleagues must never conceal, destroy, or alter any documents, fie; or make <br />misleading statements to the agency representative. Colleagues also must <br />never attempt to cause another colleague to fail to provide accurate infor- <br />mation or obstruct, mislead, or delay the communication of Information or <br />records relating to a possible violation of law. <br />Business and Financial Information <br />Accuracy, Retention, and Disposal of Documents and Records <br />Each CARE colleague is responsible for the integrity and accuracy of our or- <br />ganization's documents and records, not only to comply with regulatory and <br />legal requirements but also to ensure records are <br />available to support our business practices and ac- <br />tions. No one may alter or falsify information on any <br />record or document. Records must never be de- <br />stroyed in an effort to deny governmental authorities <br />that which may be relevant to a government investi- <br />gation. <br />Medical and business documents and records are retained In accordance <br />with the law and our record retention policy, which includes comprehensive <br />retention schedules. For retention schedules, see the CARE Compliance Poli- <br />cies and Procedures. <br />Medical and business documents include paper documents such as letters <br />and memos, computer-based information such as e-mail or computer files <br />on disk or tape, and any other medium that contains information about the <br />organization or its business activities. It is important to retain and destroy <br />records only according to our polices and procedures. <br />CARE colleagues must not tamper with records. No one may remove or de- <br />stroy records prior to the specified date without first obtaining permission as <br />outlined In the CARE records management policy. Finally, under no circum - <br />ria <br />