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colleague or any other person acting on behalf of the organization is <br />permitted to solicit or receive anything of value, directly or indirectly, <br />Including loans, rebates, or services, In exchange for the referral of pa- <br />tients. Similarly, when making patient referrals to another healthcare <br />provider, we do not take into account the volume or value of referrals <br />that the provider has made (or may make) to us. <br />For additional information, consult the CARE Compliance Policies and Proce- <br />dures. Any referral or pattern of referrals that is questionable should be <br />brought to the attention of the Compliance Of- <br />ficer Immediately. <br />Legal and Regulatory Compliance <br />CARE provides healthcare services pursuant to <br />appropriate Federal, California, and local laves <br />and regulations, and the conditions of participa16 <br />- <br />tion for Federal healthcare programs. Such laws, regulations, and conditions <br />of participation may include, but are not limited to, subjects such as licenses, <br />permits, accreditation, access to treatment, consent to treatment, medical <br />record-keeping, access to medical records and confidentiality, patients' <br />rights, research, corporate practice of medicine restrictions, and Medicare <br />and Medicaid program requirements. The organization is subject to numer- <br />ous other laws in addition to these healthcare laws, regulations, and the con- <br />ditions of participation. <br />We have developed policies and procedures to address many legal and regu- <br />latory requirements. However, It is Impractical to develop policies and proce- <br />dures that encompass the full body <br />of applicable law and regulation. Ob- <br />{ viously, those laws and regulations <br />not covered In organization policies <br />and procedures must be followed. <br />M <br />4 <br />Anyone aware of violations or sus- <br />pected violations of laws, regula- <br />tions, the conditions of participation, <br />or CARE policies and procedures <br />must report them Immediately to a <br />supervisor, or to CARE's Human Re - <br />