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For coding and billing questions, please contact the <br />CARE Billing Department or refer to the Compliance <br />Policies and Procedures. If at any time you suspect <br />that services are not being billed accurately, please no- <br />tify a supervisor or the Compliance Officer immediate- <br />ly. <br />Confidential Information <br />The term "confidential information" refers to proprietary information about <br />CARE's strategies and operations as well as patient Information and third <br />party information. Improper use or disclosure of confidential information <br />could violate legal and ethical obligations. CARE colleagues may use confi- <br />dential Information only to perform their Job responsibilities and shall not <br />share such information with others unless the individuals and/or entities <br />have a legitimate need to know the information in order to perform their spe- <br />cific job duties or carry out a contractual business relationship, provided dis- <br />closure is not prohibited by law or regulation. <br />Confidential Information covers virtually anything related to CARE's opera- <br />tions that is not publicly known, such as personnel data maintained by CARE; <br />patient lists and clinical information; patient financial information; pass- <br />words; pricing and cost data; financial data; details regarding Federal, state, <br />and local tax examinations of CARE; research data; strategic pians; market- <br />ing strategies and techniques; supplier and subcontractor Information; and <br />proprietary computer software. In order to maintain the confidentiality and <br />integrity of patient and confidential Information, such Information should be <br />sent through the Internet only in accordance with information security poli- <br />cies and standards, which require, among other things, that the Individual <br />and/or entity be validated and the information be encrypted. <br />Use of due care and due diligence is required to maintain the confidentiality, <br />availability and integrity of Information assets that CARE <br />owns or of which it is the custodian. Because so much of <br />our clinical and business information is generated and <br />contained within our computer systems, it is essential <br />that each CARE colleague protect our computer systems <br />and the information contained In them by not sharing <br />passwords and by reviewing and adhering to our Infor- <br />mation security policies and guidance. <br />14 <br />