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If an individual's employment or contractual relationship with CARE ends for <br />any reason, the Individual is still bound to maintain the confidentiality of in- <br />formation viewed, received or used during the employment or contractual <br />business relationship with CARE. This provision does not restrict the right of a <br />colleague to disclose, if he or she wishes, information about his or her own <br />compensation, benefits, or terms and conditions of employment. Copies of <br />confidential information in an employee's or contractor's possession shall be <br />left with CARE at the end of the employment or contractual relationship. <br />Electronic Media and Security Requirements <br />All communications systems, including but not limited to computers, elec- <br />tronic <br />lectronic mail, Internet access, telephones, personal data assistants, communi- <br />cation devices, and voice mail, are the property of CARE and are to be used <br />primarily for business purposes In accordance with electronic communica- <br />tions policies and standards. Limited reasonable personal use of CARE com- <br />munications systems is permitted; however, users should assume these com- <br />munications are not private. Users of computer and telephonic systems <br />should presume no expectation of privacy In anything they create, store, <br />send, or receive on the computer and telephonic systems, and CARE reserves <br />the right to monitor and/or access communications usage and content con- <br />sistent with CARE policies and procedures. <br />Colleagues may not use internal communication channels or access to the <br />Internet at work to post, store, transmit, download, or distribute any threaten - <br />Ing materials; knowingly, recklessly, or maliciously false materials; obscene <br />materials; or anything constituting or encouraging a criminal offense, giving <br />rise to civil liability, or otherwise violating any laws. Also, these channels of <br />communication may not be used to send chain letters, personal broadcast <br />messages, or copyrighted documents that are not authorized for reproduc- <br />tion. CARE colleagues who abuse our communications systems or use them <br />excessively for non -business purposes may lose these privileges and be sub- <br />ject to disciplinary action as set forth in the CARE Compliance Policies and <br />Procedures. <br />I <br />