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CARE manages its consulting, subcontractor, and supplier relationships In a <br />fair and reasonable manner, free from conflicts of Interest and consistent <br />with all applicable laws and good business practices. We promote competi- <br />tive procurement to the maximum extent practicable. Our selection of con- <br />sultants, subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors will be made on the basis of <br />objective criteria including quality, technical excellence, price, delivery, adher- <br />ence to schedules, service, and maintenance of adequate sources of supply. <br />Our purchasing decisions will be made on the supplier's ability to meet our <br />needs, and not on personal relationships and friendships. We employ the <br />highest ethical standards In business practices In source selection, negotia- <br />tion, determination of contract awards, and the administration of all purchas- <br />Ing activities. We comply with contractual obligations not to disclose vendor <br />confidential information unless permitted under the contract or otherwise au- <br />thorized by the vendor. (The subject of Business Courtesies and subcontrac- <br />tors or suppliers is discussed on pages 23 through 26 of this Code.) <br />Truthful Marketing and Advertising Materials <br />Consistent with Paws and regulations that may govern such activities, CARE <br />may use marketing and advertising activities to educate the public, provide <br />information to the community, increase awareness of our services, and to re- <br />cruit colleagues. We present only truthful, fully informative, and non - <br />deceptive Information In these materials and announcements. <br />Substance Abuse and Mental Acuity <br />To protect the Interests of our CARE colleagues and pa- <br />tients, we are committed to an alcohol and drug-free <br />work environment. All colleagues must report for work <br />free of the influence of alcohol and illegal drugs. Re- <br />porting to work under the Influence of any Illegal drug <br />or alcohol, having an illegal drug in a colleague's sys- <br />tem; or using, possessing, or selling illegal drugs while <br />on CARE work time or property may result In Immedi- <br />ate termination. We may use drug testing as a means <br />of enforcing this policy. <br />it is also recognized that individuals may be taking pre- <br />scription or over-the-counter drugs, which could impair judgment or other <br />skills required in job performance, For this reason, it is requested that em - <br />22 <br />