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personal financial gain unrelated to the organization's business is pro- <br />hibited. The assets of individuals and companies with which we do busi- <br />ness shall be treated with the same respect as the property owned by <br />CARE. For additional Information, see the CARE Compliance Policies and <br />Procedures. <br />Relationships Among CARE Colleagues <br />Loyalty means <br />that I sham a <br />In the normal day-to-day functions of an organi- <br />common ideal <br />zation like CARE, there are issues that arise <br />which relate to how people in the organization <br />with you and <br />deal with one another. It Is Impossible to foresee <br />that, regardless <br />all of these, and many do not require explicit <br />treatment in a document like this. A fewroutine- <br />Of minor <br />ly arise, however. <br />differences, we <br />One Involves gift giving among colleagues for cer- <br />Strive for it, <br />tain occasions. While we wish to avoid any strict <br />rules, no one should ever feel compelled to give a <br />shoulder to <br />gift to anyone, and any gifts offered or received <br />shoulder, <br />should be appropriate to the circumstances. <br />confident in <br />A lavish gift to anyone in a supervisory rote would <br />one another's <br />clearly violate organization policy. Another situa- <br />tion, which routinely arises, is a fund-raising or <br />good faith, <br />similar effort undertaken by individual col- <br />trust, constancy <br />leagues, In which no one should ever be com- <br />pelled to participate. Similarly, if CARE deter- <br />and affection. <br />mines to support charitable organizations, no col- <br />league should be compelled to contribute to the <br />charitable organization, nor should there be any <br />Menninger <br />workplace consequences of such non - <br />participation. <br />Finally, no CARE colleague may give gifts or rewards for performance by <br />other colleagues or employees based on patient or services volume, e.g., <br />pizza parties, gifts, or other rewards for performing a specific number of <br />transports or ordering a specific number of services or supplies. <br />Relationships with Subcontractors and Suppliers <br />21 <br />