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This •. of the i•' of Conduct should not <br />considered In any way as an encouragement <br />make, solicit, or receive any type of entertain <br />ment or For purposes, <br />limitationsthat these <br />those outsideof • does not iactionsbetween <br />CARE and Its colleagues or actions among CARE colleagues themselves. <br />(See ORelationships Among CARE Colleagues" on pages 20 through 21 of <br />this ••' <br />Extending Business CourtesiesYTokensof Appreciation to Potential <br />Sources <br />Any entertainment, gift or token of apprecia- <br />tion involving hospital employees, physicians <br />or other persons and entities who are In a <br />position to refer patients to CARE must com- <br />ply with CARE's policies, which have been <br />developed consistent with Federal laws, reg- <br />ulations, <br />egulations, and rules regarding these practic- <br />es. CARE colleagues must consult such <br />CARE Compliance Policies and Procedures <br />prior to extending any business courtesy or token of appreciation to a poten- <br />tial referral source. In general, a CARE employee may extend business cour- <br />tesies to a potential referral source and his or her immediate family provided <br />that the total value of such business courtesies does not exceed $355 per <br />calendar year. <br />We recognize there will be times when a current or potential business associ- <br />ate, Including a potential referral source, may extend an invitation to attend a <br />social event in order to further develop a business relationship. <br />A CARE colleague may accept such Invitations, provided: (1) the cost associ- <br />ated with such an event is reasonable and appropriate, which, as a general <br />RE <br />