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rule, means the cost wilt not exceed $100 per per- <br />son; (2) no expense Is incurred for any travel costs <br />(other than in a vehicle owned privately or by the <br />host entity) or overnight lodging; and (3) such <br />events are infrequent. The limitations of this sec- <br />tion do not apply to business meetings at which <br />food (Including meals) may be provided. prior to ac- <br />cepting invitations to training and educational op- <br />portunities that include travel and overnight ac- <br />commodations at reduced or no cost to a colleague <br />or CARE, consult our policies and seek appropriate <br />approvals. <br />CARE colleagues may accept unsolicited gifts with a total value of $25 or <br />less In any one year from any individual or organization who has a business <br />relationship with CARE. For purposes of this paragraph, physicians who make <br />referrals to CARE are considered to have such a relationship. Perishable or <br />consumable gifts given to a CARE department or group are not subject to any <br />specific limitation. CARE colleagues may never accept cash or financial In- <br />struments (e.g., checks, stocks). Finally, under no circumstances may a CARE <br />colleague solicit a gift. <br />Extending Business Courtesies to Non -referral Sources <br />No portion of this section, "Extending Business Courtesies to Non -referral <br />Sources," applies to any individual who makes, or is in a position to make, <br />referrals to CARE. Such business courtesies are addressed In the :Extending <br />Business Courtesies and Tokens of Appreciation to Potential Referral Sources <br />section on page 24 of this Code, and in the CARE Compliance Policies and <br />Procedures. <br />Meals and Entertainment. There may be times when a CARE colleague wish- <br />es to extend to a current or potential business associate (other than some- <br />one who may be in a position to make a patient referral) an Invitation to at- <br />tend a social event (e.g., reception, meal, sporting event, or theatrical event) <br />to further or develop a business relationship. The purpose of the entertain- <br />ment must never be to induce any favorable business action. During these <br />events, topics of a business nature must be discussed and the host must be <br />present. These events must not include expenses paid for any travel costs <br />(other than in a vehicle owned privately or by the host entity) or overnight <br />25 <br />