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ployee of the Executive Branch of the Federal government, <br />except for minor refreshments In connection with business <br />discussions or promotional items with the CARE or facility <br />logo valued at no more than $10. With regard to gifts, <br />meals, and other business courtesies Involving any other <br />category of government official or employee, colleagues <br />must determine the particular rules applying to any such <br />person and carefully follow them. For additional Infor- <br />mation, see the CARE Compliance Policies and Proce- <br />dures. <br />Government Relations and Political Activities <br />The organization and Its representatives <br />comply with all Federal, state, and local <br />laws governing participation In government <br />relations and political activities. Further, <br />CARE funds or resources are not contributed <br />directly to individual political campaigns, po- <br />litical parties, or other organizations which <br />intend to use the funds primarily for political <br />campaign objectives. Organization re- <br />sources include financial and non financial <br />donations such as using work time and telephones to solicit for a political <br />cause or candidate or the loaning of CARE property for use in the political <br />campaign. The conduct of any political action committee is to be consistent <br />with relevant laws and regulations. In addition, political action committees <br />associated with the organization select candidates to support based on the <br />overall ability of the candidate to render meaningful <br />public service. The organization does not select can- The time is always <br />didates to support as a reflection of expected sup- right to do what is <br />port of the candidate on any specific issue. <br />right. <br />CARE engages in public policy debate only In a lim- <br />ited number of instances where it has special exper- <br />tise that can inform the public policy formulation <br />process. When CARE is directly impacted by public <br />policy decisions, it may provide relevant, factual in- <br />formation about the impact of such decisions on the <br />private sector. In articulating positions, CARE only <br />Oki <br />Martin Luther <br />King, Jr. <br />