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lodging. The cost associated with such an event <br />We can't solve, <br />must be reasonable and appropriate. As a general <br />rule, this means the cost will not exceed $100 per <br />problems by using <br />person. Moreover, such business entertainment <br />the same kind of <br />with respect to any particular individual must be <br />thinking We used <br />Infrequent, which, as a general rule, means not <br />more than four times per year. <br />When we created <br />Consult CARE policies for events that are ex- them. <br />petted to exceed $100 or were not expected to <br />but Inadvertently do exceed $100. The policies re- Einstein <br />quire establishing the business necessity and ap- <br />propriateness of the proposed entertainment. Un- <br />der no circumstances will CARE sanction any business entertainment that <br />might be considered lavish or in questionable taste. Departures from the <br />$100 guideline are highly discouraged. <br />Sponsoring Business Events. Also, CARE may sponsor events with a legiti- <br />mate business purpose, If such events are for business purposes, reasona- <br />ble and appropriate meals and entertainment may be offered. in addition, <br />transportation and lodging can be paid for. However, all elements of such <br />events, Including these courtesy elements, must be consistent with the CARE <br />Compliance Policies and Procedures. <br />Gifts. it Is critical to avoid the appearance of impropriety when giving gifts to <br />Individuals who do business or are seeking to do business with. CARE We will <br />never use gifts or other incentives to improperly Influence relationships or <br />business outcomes. In order to avoid embarrassment, an effort should be <br />made to ensure that any gift we extend meets the business conduct stand- <br />ards of the recipient's organization. Gifts to non -referral sources who are not <br />government employees must not exceed $50 per year per recipient. A CARE <br />colleague or facility may give gift certificates, but may never give cash or fi- <br />nancial Instruments (e.g., checks, stocks). CARE's policy on business courte- <br />sies permits occasional exceptions to the $50 limit to recognize the efforts of <br />those who have spent meaningful amounts of volunteer time on behalf of <br />CARE. <br />Federal and state governments have strict rules and laws regarding gifts, <br />meals, and other business courtesies for their employees. CARE does not <br />provide any gifts, entertainment, meals, or anything else of value to any em - <br />76 <br />