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MISSION STATEMENT <br />The continual process of assessing and monitoring individual and system performance, <br />as well as documenting that performance, is the responsibility of quality assurance and <br />quality improvement. Care Ambulance's Quality Assurance and Quality improvement <br />Program is predicated on the belief that field personnel are highly skilled medical <br />professionals empowered to make judgments that if not properly executed could have <br />far reaching and serious consequences for patients. <br />It is the goal of Care Ambulance to adopt the standards of patient care and protocols <br />established by the State of California and local EMS agencies as the minimum standard <br />by which we measure our performance. The Care Ambulance Quality Assurance and <br />Quality Improvement Program provides a system which gathers patient care data, <br />analyzes and reviews the data, provides educational and operational feedback to <br />medical personnel and continually audits our performance to assure quality patient care. <br />