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ARTICLE XI <br />11.0 OTHER LEAVES OF ABSENCE <br />11.1 Sick Leave. <br />A. Definition. Except as otherwise provided below, sick leave shall be deemed to <br />mean absence from duty of an employee because of non -industrial illness or <br />injury that prevents the employee from performing the duties of his or her <br />position and shall be deemed to include time in quarantine resulting from non - <br />duty related exposure to a contagious disease. <br />B. Accrual. Each employee shall be entitled to, and shall earn, eight (8) hours of <br />sick leave for each full calendar month of service in which he or she is employed <br />by the City with full pay; provided, however, any absence on sick leave for a <br />period of time greater than fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days in any one (1) <br />calendar month shall not be considered to be service entitling an employee to earn <br />sick leave as aforesaid. Subject to the other provisions in this Article, sick leave <br />shall accrue to the credit of each employee to the extent that it is not used. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, employees on leave of absence for service - <br />connected illness or injury who are covered by the provisions of Labor Code <br />Section 4850, shall continue to accumulate eight (8) hours of sick leave for each <br />full calendar month of service for which he or she is employed by the City with <br />full pay during said absence for service -connected illness or injury. <br />C. Authorized Only When Necessary. Use of sick leave by City employees shall be <br />authorized as follows: <br />Sick leave is not a right which an employee may use at his or her <br />discretion, but shall be allowed only in cases of necessity and actual <br />sickness or disability, or as authorized in Subsection J below. <br />2. With respect to "miscellaneous -member" employees covered by this <br />MOU, when such an employee's absence is caused by an industrial illness <br />or injury, for which benefits are required to be provided under the State <br />Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act, the City shall pay <br />100% of salary for the first three (3) days of such absence and sick leave <br />shall not be debited. <br />D. Limit. The maximum total accumulation of sick leave with pay shall be 1600 <br />hours. Sick leave usage of less than a full day shall be charged in minimum <br />increments of one-half (1/2) hour, with fractional usage rounded upward to the <br />next higher multiple of one-half (1/2). <br />E. Extended. The City Manager may grant leave up to six months without pay to an <br />employee who has exhausted all of his or her accrued sick leave if a licensed <br />physician designated by the City Manager indicates that the employee will be <br />sufficiently recovered to return to his or her employment within a six (6) months <br />39 <br />65D-47 <br />