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17. Privacy along east property line. To ensure maximum privacy screening between the project site <br />and the residential uses along the eastern property, the Applicant is constructing an eight (8) foot <br />tall property line decorative block wall. In addition to this wall, and installation and maintenance <br />of all existing mature trees along the eastern property line, all windows facing the eastern property <br />with a direct line of sight to the adjacent properties bordering the eastern property line shall be <br />design incorporating opaque view obscuring glass. <br />18. Protect and Preserve Existing Mature Trees along the Eastern Property Line. To ensure <br />maximum privacy screening between the project site and the residential uses along the eastern <br />property, the Applicant shall protect and preserve all existing mature trees along the east property <br />line. <br />19. Protect and Preserve Existing Mature Trees on the Property not Located Along the East <br />Property Line. To the extent feasible, the Applicant shall protect and preserve all other mature <br />trees on the property. If the perseveration of the existing matures trees in not feasible because of <br />the location of the approved structures on the property, the Applicant shall work with Staff to <br />evaluate the feasibility of relocating the tree(s) to other locations on the property. <br />20. Edgewood Street Improvements. Only one emergency vehicular access may be permitted along <br />Edgewood Street. No other vehicular access or curb approach openings will be approved on this <br />street for the project. In addition, mature canopy and vertical specimen trees shall be planted along <br />the southern property line between the building and the adjacent sidewalk to integrate the building <br />with the adjacent single-family development across the street. <br />21. Property Line Wall. The project Applicant shall install an 8 -foot tall property line block wall <br />along the entire eastern edge of the Project as part of the site construction and preparation process <br />and prior installation of the foundation. The design of the wall shall be approved by the Planning <br />Manager and shall be decoratively designed to include a mix of decorative materials, colors, and <br />decorative pilasters. <br />22. Santiago Park Entrance and Interface. If approved by the City Council, the Applicant shall <br />design the Project and residential units to also front onto Santiago Park, Main Street, and Santiago <br />Street entrance. The Project fagade along Santiago Park shall be consistent with and reflect the <br />natural, current state of the Park and include articulation of the building fagade to include open <br />garden areas. The conceptual design is as shown in Attachment Ito these conditions. The Santiago <br />Park Entrance design shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Planning, Public <br />Works, and Parks and Recreation Directors to ensure compliance with the Agreement. Approval <br />shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. <br />23. Green Project Features. Alternative Transportation and Energy Source, Resource Conservation, <br />and LEED Certification. The project shall obtain Silver Standard or better LEED equivalent and <br />shall at the minimum, incorporate bike lockers, bike sharing programing, electric vehicle charging <br />stations, rain capturing systems, grey water capturing systems, and to the extent feasible, <br />automobile sharing programing. <br />24. Landscape Plan. A Landscape Plan (including Irrigation) prepared by a licensed landscape <br />architect shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. The <br />Irrigation Plan shall include an irrigation system layout with the location of controllers and points <br />of connection with data on valve sizes and gallons per minute (G.P.M.), the size and location of <br />sleeves and all spray heads, including the location of conventional systems and drip systems; an <br />irrigation legend with complete specifications; irrigation notes and construction details of all <br />75E-172 <br />