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assemblies and components; a recommended irrigation schedule, preferably on an annual basis; <br />and a summary block on the initial page of submitted plans that will present the above information <br />clearly and accurately. The City reserves the right to require subsequent checks, or approval of the <br />landscape plans prior to issuance of a grading permit. <br />25. Water Conservation. Landscaping shall comply with the City's water conservation ordinances in <br />accordance with SAMC Section and the State mandated Model Water Efficient Landscape <br />Ordinance (MWELO) 2015 update. <br />26. Installation. Landscaping for the project shall be complete in phases by building and shall be <br />installed and inspected prior to occupancy of units within that building. The developer shall be <br />responsible for maintaining all common area landscaping within the development. <br />27. Landscape Details. The landscape plan shall include a Plant Legend containing: plant symbol, <br />scientific name of plant material, common name of plant material, plant container size, and plant <br />spacing. Very low, low and medium water usage plant materials are encouraged. The applicant <br />shall construct a landscape planter along the eastern property line. In this eastern planter, a <br />combination of vertical and canopy specimen trees shall be planted with minimum size of 60 inch <br />box. The landscape plan shall provide a cross section showing the planter at time of planting, after <br />five (5) years and at full maturity. The cross section shall demonstrate the landscaping will <br />adequately screen the project from the adjacent residential uses along the eastern portion of the <br />Property. <br />28. Minimum Tree Box Size. The applicant shall install minimum 36 inch box trees, when planting <br />trees for all required trees along street setbacks, open space areas and shared parking areas. All <br />other tree sizes may be dependent on the location, species and spacing. The final landscaping is <br />subject to the review and approval of the Planning Manager. <br />29. Maintenance of existing site. The site and the public R.O.W. adjacent to any portions of the site <br />shall be maintained in a condition which is free of debris while the property is vacant and <br />undergoing development and during and atter the construction, addition or implementation of the <br />entitlements granted herein. All trash and refuse shall be disposed of in dumpsters and be removed <br />from the premises on an -as needed basis. Any surplus construction materials shall be screened from <br />public view when not actually in use and be removed from the property upon completion of <br />construction activities. The removal of all trash, debris, and refuse, whether during or subsequent <br />to construction shall be done only by the property owner, the Applicant or by a permitted waste <br />contractor, who has been authorized by the City to provide collection, transportation, and disposal <br />of solid waste from residential, commercial, and construction areas within the City. <br />30. On Going Property Maintenance. Subject to review and applicability by the Planning and <br />Building Agency, the Community Development Agency, the Public Works Agency, and the City <br />Attorney to ensure that the property and all improvements located thereupon are properly <br />maintained, Developer (and the owner of the property upon which the authorized use and/or <br />authorized improvements are located if different from the Applicant) shall execute a maintenance <br />agreement with the City of Santa Ana which shall be recorded against the property and which shall <br />be in a form reasonably satisfactory to the City Attorney. The maintenance agreement shall contain <br />covenants, conditions and restrictions relating to the following: <br />(a) Compliance with operational conditions applicable during any period(s) of construction <br />or major repair (e.g., proper screening and securing of the construction site; implementation of <br />proper erosion control, dust control and noise mitigation measure; adherence to approved project <br />75E-173 <br />