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ENGINEERING <br />49. The Applicant shall submit Improvement Plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for public <br />works (off-site) improvements, and on-site improvements. Plan check fees shall be paid in advance. <br />50. An on-site grading and drainage plan shall be prepared and submitted to the City Engineer for <br />approval. Plan shall be 24" x 36", with elevations to nearest 0.01 foot, minimum scale 1" = 20'. <br />Plan shall be prepared by Registered Civil Engineer. Public works improvements may be shown <br />on this plan. Grading plan check fees must be paid in advance. <br />51. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations demonstrating adequate site drainage from a 10 -year return <br />frequency storm (25 -year frequency in sump areas) prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall <br />be submitted with the Grading Plan. <br />52. Driveway slope shall be a minimum slope of one (1) percent for asphalt and .5% for concrete. <br />53. If utility cuts are excessive in the street the street must have a grid and overlay placed on it per the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />54. All existing off-site public improvements (sidewalk, curb and gutter, driveways, and street paving) <br />at the development site which are in a damaged condition or demolished due to the proposed work <br />shall be reconstructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and per OCPFRD Standard Plan. <br />55. A City Encroachment (Public Works) permit shall be taken out for all work in public right-of-way <br />prior to start of work. All work shall be done in accordance with APWA Standards and to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer and must be completed prior to final approval for occupancy or <br />the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. <br />56. A bond or surety device shall be posted with the City in an amount and type sufficient to cover the <br />amount of off-site work to be done, as approved by the City Engineer. <br />57. Pad certification by the Design Civil Engineer and Soil Engineer is required prior to the <br />commencement of structural construction. <br />58. Final compaction report prepared by a qualified Soil Engineer shall be submitted to the City <br />Engineer for review and approval prior to the commencement of structural construction. <br />59. Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits or prior to recordation upon subdivision of <br />land if determined applicable by the City Building Official, the applicant shall submit to the City <br />for review and approval a Final Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) that: <br />• Addresses Site Design BMPs (Best Management Practices) such as minimizing impervious <br />areas, maximizing permeability, minimizing directly connected impervious areas, creating <br />reduced or "zero discharge" areas, and conserving natural areas. <br />• Incorporates the applicable Routine Source Control BMPs as defined in the DAMP. <br />• Incorporates Treatment Control BMPs as defined in the DAMP. <br />75E-177 <br />