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needed basis. Any surplus construction materials shall be stored so as to be screened from public <br />view when not actually in use and be removed from the property upon completion of construction <br />activities. <br />41. Construction Traffic Management Plan. A truck/traffic construction management plan is <br />required for this project pursuant to the City's Public Works Department. All construction traffic <br />regarding the movement of heavy equipment and graded materials are limited to off peak hours. <br />This plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of Building Permits. <br />42. Construction Staging. During the construction process all related activities, including but not <br />limited to, loading, unloading, storage of equipment and materials, and parking of employee <br />vehicles are prohibited within the public R.O.W. All such activities shall be conducted only on the <br />project site and not in the public RO.W. All staging areas and storage of equipment and materials <br />shall be set back from adjacent residential uses. <br />43. Construction Hours. In accordance with SAMC Section 18.314(e), Demolition, grading, and <br />exterior building construction activities shall be limited to the hours of between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 <br />p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction activity shall be allowed on Sundays or federal <br />holidays. Compliance with this measure is subject to field inspection by City Staff. <br />44. Noise. All onsite activities shall comply with the City of Santa Ana Noise Ordinance at all times. <br />45. Fire Protection. Fire protection facilities; including access, must be provided prior to and during <br />construction. <br />46. Fencing. Prior to commencing demolition and site preparation activities, the project site shall he <br />secured with a fence to prevent unauthorized access to the site and the fence shall contain a <br />screening material to screen construction activities from view. The temporary screening fence shall <br />be installed to the satisfaction of the Economic Development Depariment and shall be maintained <br />in good condition (free of tears, holes, crack lines, debris, etc.) at all times. At the primary entrance <br />to the site, the screening material shall be reduced to a maximum height of four feet to provide <br />visibility into the site at all times and for public safety purposes. The project site shall also have a <br />minimum of one sign of quality material depicting the proposed development, which shall include <br />renderings, project opening date, and City Council information. The signs shall be designed and <br />installed to the satisfaction of the Economic Development Department and maintained in good <br />condition (free of tears, graffiti, holes, cracks, fading, debris, etc.) at all times. <br />47. Fence Coordination. Prior to the demolition of any existing property line walls and/or fences and <br />construction of a new property line concrete block wall(s), the developer shall make reasonable <br />efforts to coordinate and obtain approval from neighboring property owner(s) to remove any <br />existing wall(s) and/or fence(s). Written authorization from the neighboring property owner shall <br />be provided for the removal of an existing wall and construction of a new shared property line wall <br />upon submittal for plan check. <br />48. Pre -Construction Meeting. Prior to the commencement of construction on the site, the developer <br />shall schedule a pre -construction meeting between the general superintendent or field <br />representative and the Planning Division to discuss the approved plans and construction <br />requirements. <br />75E-176 <br />