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The site plan has been designed with the vehicular entrance on <br />Main Street away from the residential neighborhood to the south <br />and east. In addition, the parking structure and rooftop amenity <br />deck, which are the tallest building elements are positioned closer <br />to Main Street, with residential buildings wrapped around the <br />structure to screen it. There is a 40 -foot rear (east) setback <br />requirement which creates a buffer between the multi -family <br />buildings and single-family homes. In addition, the existing healthy <br />trees along the east property line will be protected in place and <br />new mature trees will be planted or replaced as needed. The wall <br />along the eastern property line will be increased to 8 -feet in height <br />and the east side of the building will tier in height from two, three, <br />four to five stories to provide a transition in height when compared <br />to the single -story residential dwellings to the east. The building is <br />also designed with courtyards rather than one large "box" to <br />provide open space and variation in the massing. Furthermore, the <br />units along Edgewood Road will have patios with access to the <br />street to mimic single-family dwelling porches and to connect the <br />project with the residential neighborhood. <br />(2) Encouraging, securing and maintaining the orderly and harmonious <br />appearance, attractiveness and aesthetic development of structures <br />and grounds in order that the most appropriate use and value thereof <br />be determined and protected. <br />The property is a 5.93 -acre site with street frontage along Main <br />Street, a major urban, corridor with cultural, educational, <br />employment and retail destinations such as the Bowers Museum, <br />Discovery Science Center, Main Place Mall and in the City of <br />Orange; the Children's Hospital of Orange County and St. <br />Joseph's Hospital of Orange County. Therefore, the residential <br />development would be within close proximity of major <br />employment centers and retail establishments. The site is also <br />located just north of the Santa Ana (1-5) freeway which provides <br />regional access to and from the City. The multi -storied <br />development will complement the nearby mid -rise office buildings <br />located along Main Street to the north and west of the site and <br />the multi -family residential use supports a mixed-use setting. In <br />addition, the new building will have a variety of materials such as <br />multiple brick veneers, stone veneer, metal panels, ceramic tile, <br />metal canopies, flat and metal seamed roofs to assist in creating a <br />modern contemporary design. The residential development will <br />replace a potential office use with a residential use. Although a <br />professional office use is typically considered a low intensity land <br />use when compared to commercial or industrial uses, issues with <br />parking, traffic and noise may still arise. When comparing land <br />uses multi -family uses are more compatible in nature with single- <br />family residential neighborhoods than office uses. <br />75E-206 <br />