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2525 North Main Street <br />January 14, 2019 <br />Page 11 <br />being studied in greater depth as the update process continues, with direction on the potential <br />land use designation of the area expected within the next year. <br />Amendment Application <br />Currently, the zoning designation for this site is Professional (P) which permits a variety of <br />business uses that aim to create a professional business environment and prohibits residential <br />uses. To allow the construction of a multi -family residential development on this parcel, an <br />amendment application (zone change) is required. Staff is recommending that a zone change to <br />a Specific Development No. 93 (SD -93) designation be conditionally approved subject to staff <br />recommended changes to the project. The SD designation will allow a residential development <br />and will ensure consistency between zoning and the General Plan, assuming the associated <br />general plan amendment is approved (Exhibit 4). <br />When considering a zone change it is important to look at the surrounding land uses and <br />economic factors. The jobs to housing balance is evaluated by comparing project -generated <br />jobs and housing units to forecasts of employment and housing, in addition an imbalance in the <br />ratio can indicate air quality and traffic problems associated with commuting. Based on SCAG <br />profiles and projections, Santa Ana is a jobs rich area with 2.06 jobs per housing unit. SCAG <br />considers an area as balanced when the jobs -housing ratio is 1.36, therefore providing more <br />housing would reduce the ratio to 2.05. Furthermore, in the second quarter of 2018, the City's <br />office occupancy rate was 13.4 percent, which is higher than the neighboring central cities of <br />Anaheim (10.4%), Orange (11.5%) and Tustin (10.9%) and the County as a whole (12.6%). <br />Therefore, the change from Professional to Specific Development would not be. a significant <br />impact to professional office districts. <br />In addition, use of the site for residential development is supported as the location has elements <br />to make the site a viable residential development. The elements include having regional access <br />to freeway and transportation systems, the site is within close proximity to educational, cultural <br />activities, employment centers, and retail and commercial shopping opportunities. Furthermore, <br />several nearby properties and properties along Main Street are designated as Specific <br />Developments. The property would be developed at a higher density than the nearby single- <br />family residential uses. However, multi -family uses are often used in planning and zoning <br />practice to buffer higher Intensity uses like commercial or industrial uses from single-family <br />residential uses and multi -family and single-family uses are more compatible in nature to each <br />other. <br />The Specific Development No. 93 (SD -93) is established for the purpose of protecting and <br />promoting the public health, safety and general welfare of the City and its residents. This new <br />zoning designation for the site is crafted to be consistent with the proposed project. If the zone <br />change is approved, a series of site-specific objectives, policies and development standards will <br />be used to guide the development of the project. Specifically, the SD -93 document includes a <br />75E-279 <br />