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2525 North Main Street <br />January 14, 2019 <br />Page 12 <br />menu of development standards which specify setbacks, parking, height and landscape <br />requirements and includes provisions for construction and maintenance to allow the exclusive <br />entitlement of the residential project. The SD -93 document has been framed to include staff <br />recommended changes to the project and prohibits future modifications to enlarge the size of the <br />project. Approval of the proposal would allow for the construction of a high density residential <br />development in an urbanized setting that is within close proximity to neighborhood services and <br />amenities. <br />If approved, the zone change would need to be approved in conjunction with the proposed <br />general plan amendment. This would result in a project that is consistent with the goals and <br />objectives of City's General Plan land use designation of District Center. The project will <br />promote an urban development where office, retail and residential activities would coexist in <br />close proximity and in a mixed-use setting. Further, the project will contribute towards the <br />improvement of the character of the northern section of the City. Finally, the development, <br />through the construction of the proposed public improvements and site amenities, will contribute <br />to the enhancement of the area and serve as a buffer between commercial and high intensity <br />uses and the lower density residential area. <br />Public Comments <br />A significant number of public comments have been received on this project, mainly voicing <br />concerns or opposition to the project. Over the last year emails (approximately 400 emails are on <br />file), letters and phone calls were received and small group meetings and study sessions have <br />been conducted. A list of the major comments received are summarized in the sections below. <br />Community Meetings <br />On November 15, 2017, 27 calendar days after the application was submitted, the developer held <br />a Sunshine Meeting at the Discovery Cube of Orange County and overviewed plans for a 517 -unit <br />development, 5 -stories In height, with 910 parking spaces and access from Edgewood Road. Sign - <br />in sheets indicate 263 people attended. Minutes of the meeting including community comments <br />made at the meeting and the applicant's responses were prepared by the applicant (Exhibit 5). <br />In early 2018 (January 30, 2018 and February 15, 2018), planning staff coordinated meetings with <br />the developer and the North Santa Ana Preservation Alliance representatives. Approximately 20 <br />people attended the small group meetings, including the developer, members of the North Santa <br />Preservation Alliance, nearby neighborhood representatives and planning staff. The applicant <br />shared a revised plan that included 505 units, a revised unit mix, the removal of the parking <br />structure access from Edgewood Road, and modifications to the architectural style. <br />A Planning Commission study session was conducted on August 27, 2018 where staff presented <br />information on the project description, the draft environmental impact report, entitlements, vicinity, <br />75E-280 <br />