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2525 North Main Street <br />January 14, 2019 <br />Page 21 <br />The Persons Per Household Evaluation within the EIR determined that the number of persons <br />per dwelling unit is anticipated to be 1.6 per studio, 1.6 per one -bedroom, 2.7 per two-bedroom <br />and 3.9 per three-bedroom which with the applicant's proposed project would be 955 residents. <br />In addition, 1,236 multi -family units are proposed within the City of Santa Ana and 3,324 multi- <br />family units within the City of Orange (5,056 units total). The total cumulative housing growth <br />from all of the projects listed equals 7.4 percent, which is consistent with SCAG's growth <br />estimates of 8.4 percent increase. <br />In 2020, the project and cumulative projects are anticipated to generate 4,306 a.m. peak hour <br />trips, 4,359 p.m. peak hour trips, and 49,842 daily trips. In 2020, with the cumulative project trips, <br />all study area intersections are forecast to operate at satisfactory levels of service, except for the <br />Main Street/Santa Clara/1-5 northbound on ramp and the SR -22 eastbound ramps at Town and <br />Country Road in both the a.m, and p.m. peak hours. However, the SR -22 eastbound ramps at <br />Town and Country Road also operate at unsatisfactory conditions under existing conditions. In <br />2040, the intersections are anticipated to operate at an unsatisfactory level of service with or <br />without the project. <br />Impacts to Public Services <br />Section 4.10 of the Draft EIR analyzed the impacts of the project on fire service, police service <br />and parks and recreation service. CEQA focuses on the physical effects of the project (i.e. new <br />or expanded facilities), therefore an increase in staffing or calls for service would not, by itself, be <br />considered a physical change in the environment. As proposed the project would result in a less <br />than significant impact to public services. <br />Impacts to Utilities <br />Sections 4.13 and 4.14 of the Draft EIR analyzed the impacts of the project on water supply, <br />wastewater, drainage, water quality, and energy. Technical reports including a Water Supply <br />Assessment, Sewer Analysis and Hydrology Report were prepared for the project. As proposed <br />the project would result in a less than significant impact to utilities and services. <br />Noise <br />Section 4.8 of the Draft EIR analyzed noise impacts related to construction operations and <br />operational noise from HVAC equipment, parking facilities, trash removal and use of the outdoor <br />open space. Based on the SAMC noise standards the project would not general noise levels that <br />would exceed noise standards. To mitigate construction noise two mitigation measures are <br />proposed, one to require a 50 -foot buffer along the east property line for large mobile <br />construction equipment and installation of a temporary noise barrier such as vinyl acoustic <br />curtains or quilted blankets attached to the east property line wall or temporary fence posts. <br />75E-289 <br />