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EXHIBIT A <br />New exterior lighting onsite would be provided for security and to accent the landscaping, Project signage, <br />light walkways, and parking areas. The new lighting would be focused on the Project site, shield offsite <br />areas, and would be compliant with the City's lighting regulations (Santa Ana Municipal Code, Section <br />8-210 and Section 41-611.1). <br />3.5 Site Access <br />The Project would provide vehicular access via a driveway on N. Main Street that would guide vehicles <br />to the parking structure that provides direct access to the residential units, guest parking, and the leasing <br />office. The Project may also implement a secondary access from either Santiago Park (Option B) or <br />Edgewood Road (Option C). The 3 access options are described below. <br />• Option A: Access on N. Main Street Only. Access to the Project would be provided by one <br />driveway on N. Main Street and would be restricted to right -turn ingress/right-turn egress access <br />only. <br />Option B: Santiago Park-Walkie Way and N. Main Street Project Access. This option would <br />provide access to the Project site from both Santiago Park/Walkie Way and N. Main Street. The <br />signal at Walkie Way would allow for right -turn ingress/right-tum egress and left -turn ingress/left- <br />turn egress and would provide secondary access to the parking structure. The portion of the park <br />that may be used for access Option B is approximately 10,000 square feet. Various portions of <br />Santiago Park were developed with grant funding; therefore, the park must be operated and <br />maintained as parkland. Any changes to the parkland must be reviewed by the National Park <br />Service and conversions require replacement of the land removed from public outdoor recreation <br />with new parkland. Thus, should access Option B be implemented, a 10,000 square foot portion <br />of the Project site would be dedicated to the City for parkland so that a loss of parkland would not <br />occur. <br />• Option C: Edgewood Road and N. Main Street Project Access. This option would provide <br />access to the Project site from the north -leg of Bush Street/Edgewood Road and from a driveway <br />on N. Main Street. The driveway at Edgewood Road would allow for right -tum ingress/right-turn <br />egress and left -tum ingress/left-tum egress. <br />Additionally, separate emergency access would be provided from Edgewood Road by knoxbox-gated <br />entrances and onsite emergency lanes that meet the City's Fire Code requirements. <br />3.6 Infrastructure <br />The Project would connect to the existing water, sewer, and drainage infrastructure in the N. Main Street <br />and Edgewood Road right-of-ways. <br />• Water Infrastructure: The Project would install new water infrastructure on the Project site that <br />would connect to the existing 16 -inch water pipelines in N. Main Street and Edgewood Road. The <br />new onsite water system would be compliant with the CalGreen Plumbing Code (Title 24) for <br />efficient use of water. <br />• Wastewater Infrastructure: Wastewater from the Project site currently discharges into existing <br />City -owned 6- and 12 -inch sewer lines within Edgewood Road. The Project would install a new <br />onsite sewer system that connects to the existing sewer lines in Edgewood Road. <br />Resolution No. <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />75E-44 <br />Page 6 of 71 <br />