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EXHIBIT A <br />would occur Monday through Friday, generally 20 days a month. Initial site preparation would include <br />demolition of the existing building and several areas of asphaltic concrete pavements. Demolition would <br />remove all subsurface remnants, including foundations, floor slabs, and any utilities that will not be <br />reutilized with the new development. It is anticipated that a maximum of 120 construction workers would <br />be onsite at one time, which would occur during the building construction phase. <br />4.0 DISCRETIONARY ACTIONS <br />Implementation of the Project requires several actions by the City, including: <br />• Environmental Impact Report (SCH No. 2018021031). Certification of the Final EIR (SCH No. <br />201802103 1) evaluating the environmental impacts resulting from the Project, in accordance with <br />the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA), as amended (Pubic Resources Code <br />Sections 21000 et seq.) and the CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14, <br />Sections 15000 et seq.). The Final EIR provides additional environmental information to <br />responsible agencies, trustee agencies, and other public agencies that may be required to grant <br />approvals and permits or coordinate with the City as part of Project implementation. <br />• General Plan Land Use Amendment. The Project requires City approval of General Land Use <br />Amendment, which would change the General Plan Land Use designation of the Project area from <br />PAO (Professional & Administration Office) to District Center (DC), which allows residential uses <br />to a maximum density of 90 dwelling units per acre. <br />• Amendment Application for a Zone Change. The Project requires approval of an Amendment <br />Application from the City for a zone change a c from Professional (P) to Specific Development <br />(SD). The SD zone provides site specific development standards. <br />• Development Agreement. To guide development and services as described in the Project <br />Description previously pursuant to a contract between the City of Santa Ana and Project Applicant. <br />5.0 STATEMENT OF PROJECT OBJECTIVES <br />The following objectives support the project's underlying purpose to develop multi -family residential uses <br />on the project site and assist with meeting the City's housing needs: <br />• Redevelop existing underutilized parcels to implement development of new high-quality housing. <br />• Increase high-quality housing near existing employment centers. <br />• Promote an improved jobs/housing balance by locating attractive new housing in proximity to <br />employment centers. <br />• Provide housing in close proximity to commercial areas, freeways, and transit. <br />• Redevelop existing land uses that would utilize existing infrastructure, including: water, sewer, <br />arterial roadways, transit, and freeways. <br />• Implement capital investment to enhance the City's economic and fiscal viability pursuant to the <br />City of Santa Ana Strategic Plan. <br />• Provide a safe, high-quality, modem residential community with open space and various recreation <br />amenities. <br />Resolution No. _ <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />75E-46 <br />Page 8 of 71 <br />